Unresponsive, unpolite, unwanting- he changes as the drink pours into his glass. Spilling all his secrets to a girl he wishes he never met, he's suddenly intertwined with her fates of closed classroom doors and a secret crush on one of his bandmates...
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"You're drunk on a misunderstood passion for someone you don't even know."
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He's drunk on the laughter of his own misunderstandings but when she comes along, will he be laughing now?
She chooses to keep his secrets while he chooses to help her love be alive, but after a few "drinks", are they really just friends?
inspired by drunk-dazed heeseung.
This book has events, dialogue, and themes that depict violence, alcohol, getting "drunk," harsh topics, etc. Please read at your own risk. If you are uncomfortable with these types of themes and ideas, do not read forward.
all of this is a work of fiction. I do not own anything but the story itself. anything that may resemble characters, businesses, places, or any of the sort is a coincidence.
all ages are not up to real date. in this fanfiction, all characters are of age and are legal adults :) thanks <3
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5jVZV59043MVHQlV5VfQbt?si=d9c7f0e84e574f17 mr socialite, book playlist.
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