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Well, it seems like Jake stays true to his word. After Sunghoon is pushed to the dorm grounds and stepped on, they still celebrated with a party at Heeseung's big~ mansion—of course, Jake hosting it instead. Heeseung is simply renting it because he'd rather party over such a big deal than do nothing at all.

Yawning, I feel deja vu as I drive up to his house, seeing the people dance their butts into the front yard—or even outside. Feels like the December party all over again, instead, there's nothing to hide and nothing to hear about. Today, it's more of a chill day, which causes me to grin softly. I have no exams, no nothing.

It's going to be a good day—or well, night.

But, enough spiraling and talking to an unheard audience. I park the car, tying my hair up. Looking into the car mirror, someone knocks on my window. Of course, the deja vu and laughter hit in when Jay holds his red plastic cup—possibly filled with beer—smiling at me with his best-boy-grin.

Opening the door for me as I step out, he closes it softly, leaning against my car. "You look nice wearing jeans to a party."

"Shut up," I know he's reciting it well, causing him to chuckle. "Seems like this time, you won't have to keep my company. Today, you'll get to go skinny dipping or something like that."

"As if," He snorts, drinking from his cup. "I won't be skinny dipping nor swimming—maybe just drinking. I have lots on my mind, and I think that drinking it might~ just take it all away."

"Oh?" I inquire, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "What about?"

"You know, every day bearing weights as per usual—but also... your sister..." He trails off, gulping. I raise an eyebrow, watching him. "Is she... single?"

"You're acting like Jake—oblivious to her crush on you," I nod, chuckling. "But, yes, why?"

"I'm too old for her, I can't date her," He complains before beckoning to Jungwon, who brushes down his hair and giggles through the thin gaps of his teeth. "However, I found out Jungwon might just have a crush on her. Since he's not graduating, and their age gap is very thin considering that she's graduating in a few months..."

"You're asking me to play cupid for them?" I sigh frustratingly, causing Jay to swiftly nod. "You know, you could simply reject her—"

"I... It's hard, okay," He frowns, looking away. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, we walk in together, trying to make our way to the kitchen. It felt good to see all the same people, and hopefully, Geonu might be here too.

However, I doubt it—I heard he's making his debut soon. All I can do is cheer him on—and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Finally making it to the kitchen, Jay lets go of me, mumbling a simply sweet goodbye before heading upstairs with a passing friend. I chuckle as I remember him leaving me for the pool, but it seems this time, he's leaving me for a talk upstairs.

However, it's not long before someone inhales my scent, wrapping their arms around my neck from behind. I don't even have to worry about who it is, considering that I hear his soft hum and see his beanie on top of his head once again. Turning around, I beckon to my drink, to which he grabs and takes a swift sip. He scrunches his nose before passing it back to me, inferring that he won't be drinking it.

So, I place it down on the counter, clearing my throat. "Ah, by the way, do you have chapstick?" I question, looking through my bag. "I think I forgot it at my house—which you slept at and borrowed my chapstick...! Do you have it?!"

"I have chapstick, not yours, though," He caresses my face, chuckling.

"Give me it, I need chapstick," I complain, pushing out my hand. Waiting for it, he surrounds the nape of my neck with his hand, pulling me close before kissing me. He's quite desperate for a kiss, causing me to chuckle through the kiss as he decides to press his lips against mine several times. Finally, when he pulls away, he turns me around, wrapping his arm around my physique. I already know he's blushing. "Were your lips the chapstick, mm?"

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