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The show ends with me sweating as the light burns brighter, the world full of unrecognized faces, and a feeling of indescribable adrenaline pumping in my blood. Is this why Sunghoon wanted to be an idol? To feel this feeling every day of his life- to feel like on this stage, he and his band belong?

Because if so, please let me be a musician too.

The show ends with all of us bowing, Jake holding the mic as I'm holding hands between Sunoo and Heeseung. "Thank you for all coming, and goodnight!" 

Heeseung laces his fingers between the crook of my fingers, all of us bowing once more. The crowd waves at Heeseung as he waves back, giggling at all his fans and talking to them. I reach for Sunghoon's guitar when I'm tugged back. Heeseung still has his hands intertwined with mine, talking to Jay and Jungwon about their next gig.

"Um... Heeseung?" I question, causing him to look over at me before I point down at our hands. He blinks a bit before clearing his throat, unlacing our fingers from each other. 

"Sorry." He apologizes through a cough as he covers his mouth with his fist, a red swatch of colors filling his cheeks. Haha, loser. Wait, I must be blushing too. Damn it!

"Ugh, get a room," Jay mentions between a fake cough, causing Heeseung and I to glare at the cold prince.

"Shut up," We threaten, causing me to shake my head. Sunghoon's already there when I turn around, raising his eyebrows up and down. "What?"

"You did great today, sweetheart," Sunghoon's childish pet names are something I already know to look forward to, the boy patting my shoulder. "Shall we all get drinks in celebration of Iseul's quick-adjusting?"

"Aren't you sick?"

"Not anymore. I want to drink," Sunghoon mentions, smiling. "Plus, there's no harm in drinking after you already got sick the first time. It's just the second wave!" The rest of them agree as the manager of this little club comes out, paying Jungwon the amount of money they agreed to. 

"You all can drink here, just remember to close up after."

"Thanks, boss," Jungwon smiles before the manager leaves for the night, the boys all running towards the bar. I smile at the seven, seeing how happy they are. Soo-Ri meets my eyes from across the stage, both of us meeting halfway to sit at the front of the stage.

"So, how was it playing for one of the biggest bands in our college? You sounded great, by the way,"

"Thanks, little sis," I shrug, leaning back. "It wasn't that bad, actually. The adrenaline felt... nice- at least, for once. Never in gym class is it fun, but tonight, it was."

"Seems like Heeseung has a thing for you. What do you think?"

"Absolutely not," I shut that down immediately, pointing at her. "It's all friendly here. You already know who I'm into."

"Mr. Puppy Eyes, huh..." 

"Did you know he winked at me backstage... winked!"

"Oh god, I have to listen to this for the rest of the night..."

"Iseul, come get a drink!" Jungwon yells out, beckoning over to the bar. "They have beers and champagne!"

"I'll pass today, thanks!" I exclaim, smiling. "I still have to drive Soo-Ri and me home. Maybe even you seven."

"We'll be fine," Jungwon giggles before diving back into his drinks, the seven all celebrating. "To us!"

"To us!"

The next two days roll around and it's Monday just like the weekly cycle, the seven boys drunk as they tread inside the university in our first shared class- languages. Sunghoon takes a seat to the left of me with his head leaned back and his fingers on his temples, Heeseung on my right as he seems to have no side effects. The rest of the boys pile in next to him or behind him, the rest of the classmates watching us with much intensity.

"I guess you're used to drinking a lot, huh?" I mention, making him shrug. 

"I'm not that much of a lightweight, what can I say?"

"What a flex, huh?" I snort at him, making him lean back.

"I guess. Whatever keeps you afloat," Heeseung answers back, biting his lower lip. "Oh, right. Can I have your number? Besides Jake and I, we don't have your number."

"Right. I want it too." Jake giggles as he leans forward, leaning on his forearm as I'm just about a few inches from his face. I blink a few times as I can barely keep my brain alive, licking my lips in an attempt to distract myself.

"Jake, stop it, you're making her uncomfortable."

"I just want her number too..."

"You both can get it!" I exclaim in an attempt to intervene, giving them my phone. "Here, put your contact name and number in. If you need something, just text me." They nod before fighting over my phone, mumbling incoherent threats to each other for whom to go first.

Turning back to a hungover Sunghoon, I poke his cheek, making him wink. "What is it?"

"I won't be going to grandma's this year, so I'll come to your little hangout with the band."

"Did you just decide that right now because they asked for your phone number?"


"Whatever, I'll send you the place. Thank god this is the last week before the winter break- I want to drink my arse off."

"Sunghoon, no."


"No drinking more than two times a week. Okay?"

"Fine. Put restrictions on your best buddy, I see."

"I don't want you to die. Shut up-" I seem to always get interrupted at times like this. A girl slams her hand down on my desk- or rather say, this large shared table- her eyes filled with transparent fire and flame. "Hello, what do you want?"

"Stay away from Heeseung."

"He's literally right next to me, and you're saying this," I scoffed, looking over at Heeseung, who sat up. "Do you want my seat?"

"Iseul," Both Sunghoon and Heeseung warn, Sunghoon knowing damn well I'll pick a fight with a woman. However, Heeseung is the one continuing. "She's my friend, I don't like you all picking on her- so stop."

"Heeseung, how could you even be friends with this reptile?!"

"Oh please," I snort, causing her to glare at me.

"Moon Ji-Hun, that's enough." He warns one last time. His fists are clenched and he looks like he's about to stand in anger. 

Oh, this is Ms. Socialite?

Oh, let me fill you in! Ms. Socialite is just~ like Heeseung- maybe a worse, female version. Popular for her looks and numerous scandals, she chases after this boy to my right because she's highly infatuated with him. Ji-Hun isn't the smartest, but she exploits her way into every class with him. Money from her daddy, probably- just like every villain from every book is.

"Please leave us alone." Heeseung finishes his long speech that I dare not try to recite, the girl starting to cry before she runs away. What a dramatic piece of crap. I hate immature women.

(Shh... I am one for Jake. Don't tell anyone though, thanks!)

"Sorry about that."

"It's alright," I smile- and for once, Heeseung keeps a straight face, looking away before passing his attention back on the chalkboard, waiting for the teacher.

"Heeseung, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look okay..."

"Sunoo, I'm fine."

"Is it about Ji-Hun? Are you getting flashbacks-"

"I said I'm fine!" Heeseung warns, yelling at his bandmate. Sunghoon pushes me back towards him as the boy in front of us bursts out during the class. In his eyes... he doesn't look like everything is fine- like something is a secret. 

Was Ji-Hun actually someone to Heeseung... and did something actually happens between them?

What was being hidden behind the scenes of Mr. Socialite? 

What was it... that the rest of the university didn't know besides them?

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