Chapter 10-

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“How do I look?” I asked, worriedly

“You look really good, stop worrying, when does Vanessa get worried?” Andrea raised an eyebrow at me.

She was right, I don’t know why I’m this nervous. I felt so happy but so nervous but so angry. I don’t know what to do, I can’t back out right now.

“It’s time to go, I’m assuming he’s going to be the one taking you home, anyways I have a place to go myself” She said with a smile.

We were walking to the car, and I started wondering, where she was going with that kind of smile.

“Where are you going, because I see a smile peeping up in your face?” I said getting into the car, she opened the driver’s seat and sat down, putting the windows down.

“Jayce’s place” She replied with a smirk in her face, I looked at her and a smile started to come up. I knew it! I know my best friend so well

“I knew it! Oh my god, when did this happen, and when did you have NO time to tell me, but whatever, so is something going on between you guys,” I started raising both my eyebrows and all she could do was shake her head.

“No?!” I asked

“We have something going on, but nothing’s official, we did kiss though” She cranked the music after saying that. I lowered down the music, and if it wasn’t because she was driving I would drive her insane.

“All the details now, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” I asked

“Same goes for you with Ryder, and anyways were about 4 minutes away from the park, I won’t have time to explain” She said with a grin.

“You’re telling me though, I won’t forget this” I said, and cranked the music up a bit.

As Andrea was driving, I couldn’t help but wonder what Ryder was doing in the park at night. Why was he inviting me here anyways? My heart race started rushing as Andrea stopped the car.

“Vanessa!” Andrea spoke snapping her fingers.

“Oops, sorry,” I said with a small smile

“Don’t be nervous, he should be he nervous one in this case, now get out of my car,” Andrea reached over to give me a hug, and then I stepped out.

As the car drove away, I started entering the park, and I heard footsteps behind me, and I got goose bumps.

“I didn’t think you’d come” Ryder spoke, with his deep voice.

I turned around to look at him, he was wearing a white camisole tucked into some black pants. He looked good dressed in formal, like really good.

“Well you thought wrong” I smirked, and looked down.

I was still wondering what we were doing at night in the park. And I feel like I’m being so easy, ugh. Step up my game, and put my head in the right spot, I don’t get feelings for these types of guys.

“Why did you tell me to come here anyways?” I asked, with a bit of sass.

“Well, sweetheart, you’re about to find out in a minute” He winked and started walking.

“And what make’s you think I’ll follow you?” I grinned at him as he turned around

“Maybe because you want to be with me” He smirked,

“Really? And what makes you think that?” I asked crossing my arms together

“You came tonight” He told me, with a half smirk/smile

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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