Chapter 2- Leila dating the bastard

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We went around the school, and appeared in the lockers and his locker was in the opposite side of mine, I was relieved.

"I didn't quite get your name, princess" he winked

I responded sarcastically saying "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't recall you asked"

"Well I just did now"

"Well, what if I don't want to tell you my name"

He stepped an inch closer to me and I looked into his deep green eyes, and he said

" Princess, I'm going to find out one day or another, so c'mon don't be shy, I know it's hard talking to me because c'mon it's me but speak up" He smirked being pretty rough.

Oh no he didn't , he still doesn't realize who he is talking to does he? His ego is so high, and me being shy? Yea he really is day dreaming.

"Okay sweetie, look let me just give you a heads up I'm nothing of shy I'm quite the opposite, and it's hard talking to you because your ego is so stuck up your ass you can't hear me, and 3rd of all my name is Vanessa if you're so interested" I smirked at him and winked and I turned around minding my own business, I was pretty proud of myself and his mouth was open.

" Close your mouth you'll get flies" I smirked

I can tell he was surprised he went out of his daze and stared at me, he started walking towards me and grabbed me from the waist and without me even noticing I was against a locker and we were so close to each other I can hear him breathing.

"Get off of me!" I started screaming but his grip was firm.

"Sorry I can't princess, because my ego is so stuck up my as that I can't hear you" he said smirking so hard

This guy really did not like losing didn't he? Huh, with me that's all that going to go down because me, Vanessa does not fall in love, I just act, date, play, dump, the 4 steps each player does. He's is trying to do the 1st step, but to me which was acting like he cares and trying to be hard to get, and I know the players game because especially me out of all girls was one played and that was ever going to happen again. Ha what he doesn't know is I can act way better. I'm going to teach him how the game was actually played.

"Very funny, dipshit" I said

And I noticed he was leaning in for a kiss but I realized I had a way of getting away and slapping him, since I was a dancer I had my moves and one of them fit perfectly here. I in twined my legs with his turned around, pushed him away with my butt and turned around and instead of doing a hand movement I slapped him, smirked and said

" You still don't understand that, you're trying to play the girl that plays better than you, so take all your little pick up lines and say it to the stuck up girls that all they think about is getting inside your pants" I smiled at him, and when I was about to turn around he grabbed me from the arm and pulled me tight whispering into my ear

" If that's what you want I'll be proud to do so, and one more thing"

He paused he looked at my eyes and I just couldn't wait until I left him, but then again I have him for every class so 'Great for me!'. That was sarcastic if you didn't get it. So all of a sudden he pulled me in closer and grabbed my waist and no space was in between us and he whispered          

" When it comes to playing the game I'm in the lead, so when you start falling for me, I'll be happy to see" He winks

I remarked saying " Well I won't have anything to worry about" I rolled my eyes and  with that I took off and he followed me to the class. We entered to Ms.Green our 2nd period and everyone looked at the guy like he was a goddess and I really didn't see it. Even Ms.Green was in awe but it was pretty nasty since she was really old.

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