Chapter 9

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Vanessa's POV

I turned around to see who it was, I sighed, my emotions getting the best of me, thinking it was Ryder. Great!

I shoved away when I processed who it was

"But baby" Leila sounding like herself, desperate.

I tried to hold in my laughter

" It's all your fault, bitch" She told me

I started laughing, and rolled my eyes.

I stepped infront of her and pushed her back with one finger

"Bitch? Me? Look you can do me a favor, get the hell out," I stopped, and when she was about to say something

I interrupted

"Oh and I forgot, quick reminder, things you illusion, and things that happen are two different things, like let me give you an example, Hunter being your boyfriend, that was just an illusion hun" I grinned

I knew she was pissed, because she had no response, so I walked away.

Someone started running in back of me and grabbed ny arms and pulled me infront of them. Ugh

" Did I just here that? You defending me? Are you getting a soft spot for me? No wait you already had that" Hunter smirked

" Do you ever just stop? Join Leila for fucks sake, you use girls like there useless, when you haven't realized your the useless one here. I dont want to talk to you, now get out my way" I pushed him and headed to a bar stand

" One beer please" I asked, and they gave it.

I started walking and drinking several beers for a while, and all of a sudden I found myself talking with Andrea.

"Im going to take you home, Vanessa"  She said

" No, No! One more beer please" i asked, I didn't know what was happening, I was hazzy,

"No Venna, stop, whats wrong with you?!" Andrea asked, as if she were to give up. And I then just started rambling

"Whats wrong? I'll tell you whats wrong. Everything. My parents killed in front of me, my heart being shattered by the one that supposedly wanted it back, bestfriend backstabing your back, and a guy im getting whipped for, Is that alright to you?"

Andrea stayed silently

"Im taking you home"

She put me in the car, and gave me a ride to her house. I went straight to the batroom, to puke. Nasty.

Then i went to the bed, and slept


I woke up, and straight pain went to my brain. Thank god there were some water and advil next to me. And Andrea entered the room.

"Are you okay? You were rambling yesterday," She spoke

I had no idea what happened yesterday, i just remember getting dizzy then me walking to Andrea.

" Yea, already feeling better, thanks" I said truthfully.

"Is it true? About what you said about your parents" Andrea asked curious,

"What do you mean?" I asked, i was confused

She shook her head "never mind"

I was still in confusion,

Wait have I mentioned my parents. Hopefully not, ive always lied, and never told anyone. It was my little secret. 

" Did I say it?" I mentioned

"If were talking about the same topic then yes, Why didn't you tell me?" Andrea asked

" I didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me" I said and started tearing up,

Andrea looked at me and came to give me a hug, and I really did need it, I needed it now more than ever.

"Can we just forget about this?" I asked, and she nodded

I wiped my tears away, and put on a smile. 

"Talking about yesterday, you just might've said you getting whipped for a guy?" Andrea raised an eyebrow, I shook my head and tried to hide away the smile that I had on my face.

"I guess you can say that?" I said.

She started shoving me, trying to get details out of me, 

"I'm mad at him right now, so I don't want to talk about him" I said. She looked at me with a look like she was going to kill me.

I scoffed, "What?" She took a step back, "Is it Ryder?" She questioned and I nodded

"Asshole is what he is, but you know how it ends, so I ain't going to warn you, and as long as he makes you happy, Im good" She smiled

"He does make me happy, at times.. but" And then my phone rang, uncounsciously i picked up and I placed it in speaker,

"Come to the park, at 10 sharp, I'll be waiting" And the call just hung up. I put the phone down and gave myself a but of time to process what just happened.

Andrea smirked, "well speaking about Ryder, look what he did, are you going?"                                

"I shouldn't go, he was being an asshole" I said, "Lets get you ready, cause you just lying to yourself, anyways, what are you waiting for, you got until night"

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