Chuck ee Cheese 🥺✨

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It was Riley's birthday, and Trace surprised him with a 69 cent gift card to Chuck E Cheese.  "T-Trace-kun...Thanks for taking me here 🥺."
"No problem my love, what would you like to do first?" Trace blushed.
"I-I think we should do Fruit Ninja first," Riley replied. They went to the fruit ninja game and started to play. It was super fun, and Trace ending up losing.
"T-Trace-kun, can we get the cheesy crusty pizza now?" Riley giggled.
"Ok my love," Trace flushed. He hauled Riley's fat ass to the booths and sat down. They ordered their food and both inhaled their greasy pizza.
"Riley-san, you look so tasty eating your pizza." Trace giggled, his face turning red. Riley smacked his greasy lips and smirked at Trace. He leaned in and kissed him. Trace kissed back and wiped his saucy hands on his back. Their musty scoliosis backs curved in unison. They made out until Chuck E Cheese started screeching in their ears about something called 'PDA.' They didn't understand, and kept making out until they opened their eyes and saw the crowd of crusty five year olds staring at them in awe.
"Trace-kun, they are watching us!" Riley cried. He realized that sauce and gooey cheese was all over the table and his clothes. He wiped the sauce on Trace's white shirt and nibbled some of the cheese on the table. Mmm cheesy goodness. Trace watches and licks the sauce off of Riley's shirt. He smirks and licks some of the sauce off his face, and eats in the cheese in his hair. They hear a faint voice in the background screaming, "LOOK AWAY!" They didn't care.
"Trace kun, your so tasty." Riley moaned eating the cheese off of Trace's Walmart off brand jeans. All of a sudden, Chuck E Cheese and his gang showed up at the table.
"YOU GUYS NEED TO GET OUT!" Chuck E Cheese screamed, flexing his huge pecks.
"Yeah!" Gonzo Gorilla remarked.
"NOBODY TALKS TO MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT!" Trace yells, karate kicking the head off of Gonzo Gorilla. It was...

"H-Hunter-Senpai?" Riley gasped.
"H-Hunter-Senpai, I've liked Trace since I could remember... And, You're my best friend." Riley stuttered. He started to cry.
Trace growled and pushed Hunter away. Hunter ran away faster than the speed of speed.
"T-Thanks Trace." Riley wiped his tears.
"No problem, love." Trace leaned in and kissed Riley. He pushed him back on the cheesy saucy table and they made out for 6999 mins. The end.

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