ACT I: Chapter Two - Toes (July, 1996)

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It was hard to believe it was already midsummer. I had really settled in, and was even starting to feel like California could be a home away from home. Of course, that may have just been because of my current company, but I liked to think that something clicked with me here beyond my summer fling with Alex.

It had become a normality for Alex and I to be in constant competition during the many hours we spent with each other. Especially with the new addiction she had recently instilled in me with skateboarding. Which is how the two of us ended up standing at the top of one of the many hills in town, discussing the wages of our most current bet.

"How 'bout we race there?" I suggested. "Winner buys lunch."

"What if I don't like those stakes?" Alex asked.

"Too bad," I said and laughed before putting a foot on my board.

"Fine," Alex agreed begrudgingly. There was obviously something else that she wanted to wager and I had an idea that it didn't have much to do with skateboarding.

"Alright then," I said with a little smirk and turned my eyes back to the downhill slope ahead of me.

Alex and I readied ourselves to go while eyeing each other with mischievous smiles. It was also normal for one or both of us to cheat. On that exact thought, Alex pushed forward without even a countdown and began flying down the hill. With an agitated growl in my throat I chased after her, pumping my foot off the ground and pushing my board as fast as it would take me.

Despite my foot pounding against the pavement as hard as I could to catch up, that split second Alex had on me allowed her to pull ahead completely. I arrived at the bottom of the hill with a sour face. Alex, however, looked nothing short of smug.

"You cheated!" I shouted with an accusing finger. It meant nothing, I knew that, but I said it anyways.

"I won," Alex said and shoved her index finger into my chest. "Besides, you didn't set any rules."

"Whatever," I huffed and flapped my arms in exasperation before pointing a hard finger in her face again. "And stop smiling!"

Alex folded her arms over her chest, that ever present smile still firmly in place despite my command to remove it. "C'mon," she said in a taunting voice. "Time to pay up."

With a very disgruntled sigh, my hand crept to the wallet in my back pocket. Then I stalled and eyed Alex for a moment longer before I started to grin. I could pay up. Or...

Taking both of the straps of Alex's tank top in my fingers, I pulled her closer to me. Alex's face was surprised at first, but the deviousness of my smile eventually infected her. She uttered a breathy chuckle, as her own grin unfolded quickly.

I stood on my tiptoes and touched my lips to hers with a soft moan. Soon my grip on her clothes faltered and my hands were seeking out the warm satin skin of her neck instead.'s so easy to get lost in her.

After a few moments, Alex pulled away with a breathy laugh before she cleared her throat. "I suppose I can cover lunch today."

I put a hand to my chest and fluttered my eyelashes flirtatiously. "Oh, would you? Iʼd be ever so grateful."

"I'm sure you would, temptress," Alex growled out before she rolled her eyes and chuckled. "What sounds good to you?"

"I dunno," I shrugged and scooped my board up as I surveyed the various food joints on the boardwalk. "Burgers? That place Bobby and Pockets took us to last week was pretty good."

Alex smiled and grabbed my hand wordlessly before we were off in a sprint. It was impossible to slow Alex down, even for a second. Although, it could be argued that keeping up with her was half the fun.

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