ACT IV: Chapter Ten - American Baby (March, 2008)

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"Oh shit," I muttered as my eyes traced the sign that read 'WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA' before I shook my head and sighed. "Here we go again."

This was the third time in my life that I found myself crossing the California state line despite having no desire to be in this fucking place. The state had caused me so much pain and misery and yet, somehow, there was a reason for me to be pulled back to it, over and over again. It was like the Twilight Zone or something, drawing me in just enough to get comfortable before it yanked the rug out from under me and left me flat on my ass again.

I was so sure that when I left California after Lilah's funeral, that it would be the last time and I would never come back again, even when I knew deep in my heart that it wasn't true. Then I got the call a few days back and I finally understood why that dread had been brewing in my gut for the last three years. Tanya, the aunt that I had barely talked to since I fled, had finally succumbed to the disease that had been ripping her apart for years.

A terrible part of me wanted to make up an excuse not to go back--even to honor the only family member I ever recognized and loved--but then I was told the news that I had been featured in the will, so I would be required to make a physical appearance. This new monkey wrench added a whole new anxiety to a process that was already overwhelming enough. The last thing I wanted to do was spill my heart out at another funeral, without a single soul to comfort me afterward, but now I also had to worry about Tanya's will and whatever that was bound to bring, as well.

When I finally arrived, I wasn't surprised in the least to see that Tanya's funeral was being held at the same venue as Lilah's. It was also unsurprising to find out that this event had been coordinated by the same person who did Lilah's funeral as well. The only thing that was remotely surprising about the entire situation was how carelessly late I showed up to it, not giving a single fuck about punctuality whatsoever.

Thankfully, I wasn't so late that I couldn't slip in the front door unnoticed and camouflage myself with the crowd mingling in the front hall.

It was amazing how many people had shown up for Tanya, filling the place far beyond what I had remembered for Lilah's funeral. It honestly awed me to see how many people had come to pay their final respects to my aunt.

While I stood in the midst of the heavy crowd, awkwardly shuffling my feet as I wondered what I should do, I noticed Alex. Just as quick as I saw her, I looked away, secretly hoping that she wouldn't notice me too. She flicked her eyes up into mine as if she could hear my desperate plea for her to not look and my breath caught. It didn't matter that we were on opposite sides of the room, or that said room was packed to the brim with people, she found me in an instant--as if she knew exactly where I would be.

Unease washed over me as soon as Alex's hazel eyes locked into mine, but to my surprise she didn't come over to me right away. Instead she waited until the crowd started to thin out some before she meandered over and stood at my shoulder without making eye contact.

"This seems to be the common rendezvous point for you and me. Wouldn't you say?" Alex said, innocently enough.

"Sure," I scoffed with a shrug. "Everyone around keeps dying after all."

Alex seemed caught off guard by this callous response. She shrunk in her place next to me before breathing out an exhausted sigh and muttering, "I'm still here."

"Yeah," I said darkly and pursed my lips. "You are still here aren't you?"

Isn't that fucking ironic?

"What is that supposed to mean?" Alex growled as she turned on me with a defensive posture.

I shook my head and let out a heavy breath. "Nothing," I spat. "Just forget I said anything."

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