ACT V: Chapter Thirteen - Skydiving (June, 2008)

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Author's Note: NSFW Warning

After nearly seven hours on a redeye flight, the last thing I wanted to do was drive another two to get home. I was tired, I was hungry and I was irritable as hell after wrestling Ernie in New York for weeks, but every mile that I drove away from the airport seemed to fill me with an energy that I hadn't had while I was gone. Maybe it was the cool California breeze drifting through the window to rustle up my hair or the glittering surface of the Pacific shining like beautiful diamonds that invigorated me but I knew that wasn't it.

Alex. I mused as a wistful sigh left me. God, I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I've seen her and held her and... A giddy smile broke across my lips. Felt her hands all over me.

A shiver broke across my skin at the thought of Alex touching me again and unconsciously my foot pressed into the gas pedal with more urgency. I bit my lip and watched the speedometer for a moment to make sure my haste wasn't putting me in danger of a ticket before I flipped on cruise control and let my mind wander as muscle memory took over.

I could use her magic hands on me after the weeks I just suffered through. Especially when Ernie has been so... I sighed with a helpless shrug at my overbearing agent. So fucking much. I mean, Christ, why did I even have to go to New York in the first place? I could have sent him drafts over email. Could have discussed it over a call. Or, God forbid, video chat.

The more I thought about Ernie the more my frustrations for him grew until I was gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles.

But no. With him it's always, 'Fly all the way to New York Marley. We've gotta sign this contract for the publisher, Marley. I want to talk to you about edits, Marley. Let me waste your whole life like I always do, Marley.'

I let out a huffy breath before propping my elbow on the frame of the open window so I could rest my temple against my palm.

Maybe he's not that bad. I thought glumly as I forced myself to remember all the good that my agent had done for me. After all, Ernie had been there for me plenty of times when I had nothing.

He got me my first book deal. Made me a household name. Most importantly, he introduced me to Lilah which, inevitably, led me back to Alex.

However, Ernie was also the person that took me away from Alex right in the middle of that sweet honeymoon we had been lingering in, that time when there was nothing but hopeless love and sweet nothings to be had.

And usually that meant literally nothing... I thought with another giggle that quickly tapered off into a soft sigh as I remembered the night that I had to break the news about leaving to Alex.

It came after I had done everything in my power to get Ernie to change his mind about me coming out there to no avail. In the middle of my arguments about how unnecessary my physical appearance was, an email popped up confirming the flight he booked for me and that was pretty much the end of it. With a sigh I promised him I would see him in a few days and then I promptly hung up the phone and put my head in my hands.

Alex, who had been keeping tabs on me throughout the conversation with increasingly concerned looks, came over to wrap an arm around my shoulder as soon as I slammed my cell down.

"Hey," she muttered and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. "Are you okay?"

"No," I snapped and gestured at my phone before I sent it skittering across the table with a push of my hand. "That guy is fucking insufferable!"

"Your agent?" Alex asked in a confused voice.

I scoffed and shook my head. "You mean the bane of my existence?"

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