"How Media and Music impacts Mental Health" - Sociology Paper

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Grace Crilly
Sociology 101

During this time in the COVID years, 2020 and now 2021 when everything became remote, I noticed when going back to school online that I had professors that were very supportive about their students' mental health and well-being. My biology professor had stressed to us that it is very important for her to know that we work on our mental health. What I've observed about taking care of myself is that my mood improves when I listen to music and watch a show on Disney + or Netflix. My main discussion for this paper is the advantages and disadvantages of how media and music affects mental health. Music and television isn't my only way of taking care of myself, I am able to talk to someone who cares about me, that I am able to talk about my mental health with her. People have their own ways of coping with their mental health. The way that the media influences people to take care of themselves are in advertisements while using apps such as games or social media, to advise users to purchase apps such as daily reflections based on your emotions and writing your feelings down as entries. Apps such as Daylio Journal and Reflectly are great apps that provide users to do these tasks for themselves and they also have a positive effect on individuals' mental health. A disadvantage of how media affects mental health, some people cope with their mental health is by distracting their minds by playing a game on their phone. This can cause problems for individuals, that instead of confronting their issues they crave distracting their mindset, which over time will make their mental health worse. It would make it worse by not being able to communicate with others such as family and friends about what they are struggling with. Unless it would make their relationship with that person worse. I've used apps such as Reflectly and dailyo which has helped me personally, as well as being able to talk about my own issues. I previously stated that I've observed about myself that listening to music and watching a show improves my mood, I've observed that this has the same disadvantage as media where watching tv and getting lost in music can make relationships worse for the family and friends you have in your life. The way I see how music can help us is the singers and/or bands that influence us based on the message they send to their fans, where have been various artists who write their songs based on their mental health. This affects individuals where they can relate to the feelings that are sung in the song. Knowing that you're not alone, especially by someone you look up to, is what helps to improve yourself. The television I watch does give viewers based on real-life issues such as  mental health, where characters display depression, anxiety, background based on trauma such as child and sexual abuse, abandonment, divorce, and being raised by one parent. Some of these issues are how I am able to relate what I watch, that they help me realize what I should be working on for myself and this is how viewers can help themselves depending on what struggle they are going through. The self-reflection in this paper is based on changing the habits that an individual is doing for themselves being able to use media and music to improve themselves, but also be aware of the negative effects it can have on the individual.

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