Chapter 72 Secret Admirer

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It was a fun afternoon for young princess Poppy she was celebrating her 7th birthday and all of her friends were there celebrating with her she was dancing with the twins having fun she looked around at everyone dancing, playing games and it was almost time for her to blow out her cake she looked around and she felt very disappointed Branch wasn't here and she spend a whole day working on his invitation and he didn't actaully ruin this one whixh gave her hope and yet he wasn't around.

''Hey Poppy come on its almost time to blow out the candles.'' One of her closest friends named Creek.

''Ok.'' She said a bit sadly.

''Poppy, he's not coming which is a shame because you look sad but nothing good friends and cake can't fix.'' He said taking her hand and pulling her back.

She takes one look back and she went with Creek back to the party, Peppy lit the candles.

'Happy birthday to you,

'Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Poppy

Happy birthday to you!'

Poppy smiled and blew out the candles.

''So what did you wish for Poppy?'' Asked Guy Diamond.

''I can't say otherwise it won't happen.'' Poppy giggles. 

Poppy had wished that Branch would show up and do something special for her and that they could be close friends, it was a long shot but she had wished with all of her heart but who knows things can happen.

After the cake and eating they all played a few games and they they hit another pinata as candy came out, and then came the presents everyone got Poppy fun stuff.

''This one is from the twins.'' Poppy said as she opened a box and their was a beautiful blue party dress with sparkling glitter. ''Oh girls I love it I'm gonna try it on!'' Poppy squealed.

She came out with it on and everyone clapped she was beautiful and she opened the other gifts which she got a lot of scrapbooks with some new art sets and she got some awesome toys and she got a calming soothing yoga book, and she got some new books and toys from the others and her dad got her a beautiful shell necklace that said 'wonderful princess' 

''Oh thank you daddy!'' She hugged him.

''Anything for my beautiful princess you know this was your mom's she got it for her 7th birthday and she wanted to give it to you on yours, and you look like everyday I am blessed to have you as my sweet beautiful daughter.'' He hugs her kissing her cheek.

Afterwards they had a dance party which lasted for two hours along with every hour hug time which was her favorite. Finally all of her friends left and some of the adults came to clean up the party mess and Poppy was about to go back to her room when a string with her name on it caught her attention.

She put down her stuff and picked up the string wondering where it went to she followed it unil she came to a nice size garden and on a bench and next to it is a bunch of presents around it, she was surprised and her eyes widened there was her favorite cupcake flavor strawberry. ''My favorite!'' She gasped and held it in her hand it was perfect sure she had some of them at the party but this one was perfect and she looked around wanting to see if anybody was around she set it down next to her and she went for the presents looking for a note but couldn't find any. Little did she know someone was watching her not far away.

She took the first gift and opened it and it was a cowbell, she had always wanted one and here it was she was happy and she hugged it smiling so happy, she then grabbed the second one it was a long one and opened it to find a ukulele it was yellow with a flower on it and she turned it and she strummed a few cords and she saw their was a book with songs in it she could learn, she giggled and wondered who got this stuff for her she was beyond happy. The troll watching from the bushes gave a small smile happy to see her so excited.

She opened up a smaller one and found a sketch book, she was shocked she had talked about wanting to draw and sketch but nobody thought anything of it now Harper could teach her she smiled it was a pink cover and she found next to it some sketching pencils, she grins, she then saw a card fall from the book and she picked it up and opened it surprised it was a poem.

'You are the sun that shines brightly thoughout my day

Your skin is pink like the sky when then sunsets,

Your smile even the sun is jealous and refuses to come out from the clouds,

When you walk, sing and laugh it fills my heart and makes me melt,

Your voice it like angels and i could listen to it all day.

Someday I hope we can meet and be friends someday.

You are so beautiful and nothing can compare to you.'

Poppy was surprised and she felt herself swoon at it, it was the most heartfelt things she read this troll obviously knew her and she wondered who it could be. Another card was at her feet she didn't remember it being there she picked it up.

She opened it it was a soft felt one it read it the writing was well done and she read it.

'Happy Birthday Princess Poppy,

I hope you enjoy the gifts I got you and I knew you loved strawberry cupcakes,

I did this for you because you are very special to me and well I didn't want you to be disappointed but I hope this made your birthday all the more special.

I hope someday we can meet until then keep smiling your smiles makes everything feel warm and happy.

Signed your Secret Admirer.

Poppy smiles and hugs the cards tears of joy were comign from her eyes she places the stuff down and starts looking around for the mysterious admirer.

Poppy sighed she had hoped and she was wanting to be Branch who did this but whoever did it had a crush on her and she was determined to find out she sat there for a bit and she smiles and pulled out the sketch book and started drawing something with words on it and left it there on the bench she got up and put the cowbell and ukulele in her hair and she held the sketch pad and cards, she looked around.

''Thank you to whoever you are, you made my birthday very special and this is my favorite part of my day, your always welcome to hangout with me.'' She left feeling happy.

Once she was gone the troll came out from the bushes and gray hands picked up the drawing it was of two stick figure trolls with the word friendship at the top, the gray troll smiled and looked in the direction of where the princess went.

''Someday Poppy.. some day I hope we can be close.. I love you.'' He smiled picturing how happy she had been and took the sketch and left happy to know he made princess Poppy's day, someday when he is older he might tell her it was him, he headed back to his bunker happy and a small smile appeared.

Here we go this is for True_Colors anyway I got more coming up and also a continuation of Young first kiss you'll have to wait and see.

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