Chapter 2: Asking Out?

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''And so the knight and princess went riding into the sunset and lived happily ever after the end.'' Queen Poppy said closing the book she had been reading to the kids.

''Queen Poppy what happens with the knight and the princess?'' asked a little green troll.

''They went to the princess castle and lived happy lives.'' Poppy said smiling.

''Did they ever go out or get married Queen Poppy?'' Asked a little girl.

''Well yeah if you want it to be that way it was.'' Poppy said laughing.

''Queen Poppy are you ever gonna go out with Branch?'' Asked Keith.

''Um well maybe someday.'' She said as the parents arrived to pick up their kids.

Poppy turn red a bit, Branch had got her and his colors back, he was opening up and slowly getting use to groups and party, they were close friends and she wanted to ask him out several times but was nervous it would ruin there friendship she spent most of her life trying to be friends with him and he kept pushing her away now they were close she didn't want to ruin it.

Queen Poppy went to check on things in the village and saw some trolls in the distance working on some new pods as she got closer she realized one of them was Branch, she sighed dreamily with a goofy grin.

''Hey Poppy what are you doing?'' asked DJ as she came over to where Poppy was standing.

Poppy came out of her zoning ''I'm just checking to see how things are going around here is all.''

''Checking things out or someone out?'' teased DJ

''What are you talking about DJ?'' Poppy said blushing as they walked closer to the workers.

''Oh come on Poppy it's no secret you two like each other everyone can see it.'' She said giggling.

''You really think so.'' Poppy asked.

''Yeah the pack are betting which one of you will ask the other out first. I say you'll ask him first'' DJ said smirking.

''What if he said no then what our friendship will be ruined.'' Poppy said exasperatingly.

''Come on as if Branch would tell you no I've seen how he looks at you he just waiting for you to make the first move.'' DJ said.

They had finally gotten to the workers and Poppy saw Branch waving at her she smiled and waved back. Branch came down and went up to the girls ''Hey DJ, Poppy.''

''Actually I was just leaving see you two around.'' DJ said leaving.

''So how being Queen treating you?'' asked Branch.

''It a lot more work then I thought but its not that bad.'' Poppy said smiling.

''Is there something you need Poppy?'' asked Branch.

''Well I was going to ask y-you something-.'' Poppy was interrupted by a worker who called for Branches help.

He wanted to know where they should build another pod. While they were talking Poppy got all nervous and turned and walked away. Finally Branch turned to talk to Poppy but saw her walking away in the distance. He wondered what was up but would figure it out later as he went back to work.

Poppy went into her royal office and sat down and placed her head on the desk ''Why didn't I just ask him it only 6 easy words anyone else would be easy to ask, why am I having a hard time with Branch.'' She said talking to herself.

Later that evening Branch finally finished working on the pods and was about to go home but the run in with Poppy earlier that day kept him wondering what she was going to ask him. So he started for the royal pod. He loved Poppy he wanted to ask her out but didn't think it was right for him a lonely troll who treated her horrible to ask her out, he loved her and like her he was too afraid to say anything. He finally made it to the pod he knocked on the door only for it to be answered by Peppy.

''Ahh good evening Branch what brings you here?'' He asked.

''I came to see Queen Poppy she was about to ask me something but then left.''

''Well she in the office, follow me.'' Peppy said leading Branch to the office he knocked and said ''Poppy you have a visitor.'' and left them.

''Come in.'' She called

Branch opened the door to see the pink queen up to her neck in paperwork and as soon as he came in she looked up and stared at him.

''Hey Branch, what brings you here did you need something?'' She asked hopping out of the chair to give him a hug.

''Well we were in the middle of a conversation when we were interrupted and you took off I was just wondering what you were going to ask.'' He said smiling at her.

''I was gonna ask if.. you were going to the party tomorrow night everyone gonna be there.'' She said nervously.

''Well I planned on it, but I have a feeling that not the question you wanted to ask otherwise you wouldn't of taken off if you have something that bothering you, you can tell me we are friends and I'll help you anyway possible.'' Branch said looking at her and holding her hands.

''Well I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me sometime like to the party or like a date.'' She said looking away from him.

''Ahh that's why you ran away, you know you could of just asked I would love to go out with you, to be honest I wanted to go out with you for awhile but didn't think it was right for me to ask you.'' He said blushing.

''Oh Branch.'' she said as she hugged him and kissed him on the lips. ''I'm so happy you agreed.

''Your the queen how could I say no to you?'' He asked as he pulled her in for another kiss.

I finished this one shot it was fun to do. If any of you have requests just let me know and I'll write them for you. This goes to _True_Colors. I hope you guys enjoy. Till next time.

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