Chapter 19: Meeting The Boyfriend

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One day in the Troll Village in the royal pod Poppy was busy scrapbooking and Branch was looking over blueprints in the living room. They had two kids Princess Rosie and Prince Twig and Twig was up in his room working on some project and Rosie was out with her friends. Suddenly Rosie came running in.

''Hey mom can I invite a friend over for supper tonight?'' Asked the pretty young 16 year old princess she was pink like her mom with a dress similar to Poppy's and she wore a green vest like her dad's her hair was pink with blue at the top. She came in and looked at her parents.

''Sure honey I don't see why not who is it?'' She asked looking up at her daughter.

''Oh a special friend you will see tonight. I want you guys to meet my friend'' Rosie said smiling.

Branch looked up curiously. ''Oh and is this friend a boy or girl?''

''Oh daddy you'll see tonight trust me.'' She said giggling and going over kissing Branch's cheek and took off outside.

Branch looked confused and then at Poppy who was watching Branch. ''What's wrong honey?'' She asked.

''I'm just worried she wouldn't say who it was and it bothers me you don't think its a boy do you Poppy?'' He asked looking worried.

''It could be but after all she is 16 and old enough to have one I think your afraid of losing her to a handsome young boy huh?'' The queen teased knowing how her husband felt about boys and Rosie.

''I think she is way too young to have one.'' He said.

''Oh and your telling me when I was 16 you thought I was too young?'' She asked knowing full well about his long time crush on her.

''That was different and besides  I was a boy I know how they think and act.'' He said.

''Well we will find out tonight it would just be a friend we know.'' She said.

Later that evening Poppy had made pizza and fruit salad with blueberry and apple pie and Twig came down setting the table. Branch was pacing around nervously.

''Dad you ok?'' asked his son Twig how looked just like his dad only he had his mom's eyes watching his dad.

''I just trying to figure out who Rosie is bring here is all.'' He said.

''I'm surprised you don't know dad it should of been obvious.'' The young 10 year old said.

''You know who this friend of her is?'' He asked.

''Yep I sure do but I promised her I wouldn't say anything besides this is important to her.'' He said.

They heard the door open and heard laughing there came Rosie with River they were laughing and stopped when they came in. ''Mom dad you guys remember River right?'' She asked as she held his hand.

''Well yes River its so nice to meet welcome to our home.'' Poppy said going over and shaking his hand.

''Thank you nice to meet you your majesty.'' He said bowing.

Twig saw and ran over to him jumping in his arms. ''River! it so good to see!''

River hugged Twig and they high fived each other. ''Good to see you too Twig.''

Poppy smiled at this. Branch was in his own world he was a mixture of emotion he wanted to push River out and lock up Rosie he didn't like that they were holding hands and how they were looking at each other.

''Um mom dad I brought River over here I wanted you to meet him and he is my boyfriend.'' She said looking at them.

Poppy smiled happily and looked at her husband who looked red and ready to explode Poppy nudged him. ''Its a pleasure to meet you River I hope you take good care of my daughter.'' He said.

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