Chapter 1: Sick Days

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"Crunch, Crunch, Crunch." My body shivered lightly at the cold invading my space. In an effort to keep warm in the frozen forest I tightened the scarf around my neck. I looked up to the white sky as snowflakes fell to the earth. I turned to look as the sound of snow crunching announced someones arrival. My golden eyes met his icy blues as he gave me a soft smile. I smiled sadly at him with my golden wolf like tail wagging softly. He came over to me and his midnight black tail wagged as well. "Hey friday." He said kindly with slight worry in his voice. "What are you doing out here in the cold?" Sighing I turned my face back to the winter sky. "It's been a while since it snowed like this, huh Z." I said softly, deeper meaning on the tip of my tongue. He seemed to catch on and padded over beside me to offer some warmth. "It has hasn't it." He said softly with his black hair beginning to turn white with snow. I rested my head against his shoulder and took his hand in mine. "The last time it snowed like this my brother and I played in it for hours." My voice cracked as I spoke and I gave a pathetic chuckle. He smiled softly and rested his chin on my head, wrapping his free arm around me like a blanket. Speaking softly as not to upset me more he said, "how about we go back inside? The teams starting to worry about you." I hesitated, trying to keep the moment even if only for a second, before nodding into his chest. I heard him sigh in relief before he guided me and my memories back to what little warmth our hideout had.

We walked into the old church building that we used as a hide out. As I entered I felt the eyes of our friends watching me with worry. Leading me to one of the pews he sat me down and left to find blankets. I closed my eyes for a moment in exhaustion but jumped when I felt something cold hit my leg. Looking down I saw that lucky was watching me with worry filled eyes. Smiling I rubbed the dog chimera behind the ears right before where his skin gets rough. Wagging his tail happily he stuck out his tounge and rubbed against my hand. Suddenly I felt a cold breeze go by me and began to shiver. Aurora came over to me and sat down beside me. Pushing her brown bangs out of her eyes she watched me for a moment with growing concern before reaching and placing her hand against my forehead. Quickly she pulled back as if I had burned her. Z came back in with a few blankets and Aurora jumped up, said something to him that caused his brow to crease with worry, and then went back into the back rooms of the church. Z walked over to me, his black ears down in worry. "Come on Friday," he said as he sat the blankets down and tried to get me to stand. "I need you to come with me." When I didn't respond he shook my shoulder gently. "Come on, Love. Aurora wants to look you over." Blinking I looked up to him with longing. I only wanted to go to sleep and I told him so. He shook his head before saying, "It will only take a minute. Then you can go to sleep." In an effort to ignore him I closed my eyes. He frowned and shook me gently again causing me to jump and look back up at him. Sighing he gently picked me up bridal style and carried me through the dusty, tan halls into a sky blue room.

It was obvious this room would've been the day care of the church, with it's baby proof locks, but we mainly used it as our clinic. Aurora looked over to me from the medicines she was going through and frowned when she saw I was being carried. Telling Z to set me down in a nearby rocking chair she came over to me. "Hey Friday. I'm gonna put this under your tounge so don't move, ok?"  It took a minute to process what she had said but when it did I nodded softly. Then she took out an old digital thermometer, put it in a sleeve, and placed it under my tounge. The anticipation seemed to weigh down on everyone like fog as they waited for the beep. When it came Aurora pulled it out gently and looked at the temperature, frowning when she read the number. "103.2." She said worry in her voice. Then, turning to Z, she asked, "Can you take her to her room?"He nodded before picking me up like he did before and carried me into a red painted room that used to be used as an office when the church was running. Setting me down on my makeshift bed of an old matress he sighed. Looking to me he shook his head. "Why do you always do this to yourself?" He asked desperately. "Do what?" I asked tiredly looking at him with slight irritation.  His ears went back in frustration. "This! You work yourself bone dry and then end up getting bad enough to have everyone else worry about you!"  My eyes fell to the floor with guilt as I wrapped my arms around myself. "I don't ask you to worry." I said, curling my tail around me as well. He looked at me sadly before walking over and sitting down on my bed. Pulling me into his lap with a gentle hug he said, "you don't have to ask. I worry about you anyway." Leaning into his embrace I smiled and rested my head on his chest. Then the door opened softly as Aurora walked in carrying a few pills in her hand and a small cup of water in her other hand. "Take these." She ordered softly, urging me with a gentle smile. After taking the medicine my eyes began to droop in exhaustion. Curling up into the warmth I felt consciousness leave me as I fell into a medically induced sleep. 

I woke to the soft sounds of a hearbeat. Smiling I pulled away from the sound to see a drooling wolf boy sleeping against the wall. Smirking I climbed out of his lap and walked over to the shades that had been closed. Opening them I said, "Rise and shine Sleeping Beauty. We got work to do today."  Groaning he looked up at me with sleep filled eyes. "Do we have to?" He complained, rubbing his head as he tried to stiffle a yawn.  Giggling I pulled on his hand. "You want to eat, right?" I said pulling him up from the bed. Smiling even wider when he nodded i left him and raced out of my room to go wake the others. When they had all gathered in the sanctuary, dressed and ready, i began marching towards the door. As the others Z began speaking to the others. "She's definitely feeling better." He said with a chuckle.  Aurora nodded happily from where she stood, about two feet below the others. Zachariah grinned and said, "Yep. It's nice to have our good ol'e stir crazy leader back."

Authors Note:

Hey! Thanks so much for reading! No worries! The entire story is not going to be like this. This is more of a calm introduction like thing. To secure some things Friday and Zero are wolf chimeras, Aurora is a brown tabby cat chimera, and Zach is a barn owl chimera. Fridays a bit of an interesting character. Personality wise she's a lot like me i guess but i'm working on her back story now and it's pretty interesting. Anyway... thanks again for reading! Feel free to comment!

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