Chapter 3: Work Days

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"Sigh." I looked around the office with tired brown eyes glaring at the paperwork in front of me. Then I looked up at a chuckle. My superior officer stood in front of me. I stood quickly with a salute. "At eaze Mustang. I have a new mission for you." With that he plopped a folder full of papers on my desk and ordered, "be in my office for briefing on the hour." "Yessir!" I responded with another salute as he left. When he was well out of sight I plopped down with a groan. Several chuckles resounded from around the office. "Not looking forward to getting out a little, eh mustang?" I chuckled quietly. "You misunderstand. I simply don't look forward to missing my date tonight." The others smirks turned into frowns and caused me to smile. "Well I should probably get ready. I know you guys will miss me but don't be too put down." I said as I got up. Grinning at their frustrated faces I said, "good afternoon, gentlemen." and headed out the door. Checking the time I walked towards my superiors office.

"Colonel terra. Major Mustang is here." "Send him in." I nodded my thanks to the lieutenant before entering with a salute. "At eaze Mustang." I ended up with a serious sense of desavou. He pushed a file towards me. "A chimerab has been spotted on the southeast border of central city. Your mission is to follow the 3s." Ah yes the 3s. Capture, contain, or kill. The method for catching a chimera. I listened intently as I was briefed. It was a lizard and man chimera. Experiment 19 is what it's called. When I was dismissed I rose, saluted once more and left for the door to prepare for the upcoming battle. Walking down the steps of the central headquarters I sighed and swiped a bang from my face. Walking towards my car I opened the door and sat on the brown leather interior. Putting my keys in the ignition I turned it on and left the parking lot towards the area the chimera was last seen.
I arrived at the scene at about 1500 hours. You could tell there had been a fight here. Several crates were broken to the side as if something had been thrown into them. I could see small droplets of vlood on it as well and I just barely noticed a small scale laying among the rubble. "This is probably from number 19." I whispered to myself berofe catching a glint of gold out of the corner of my eye. "What do we have here?" I bent down to see a small piece of golden fur. Bending down I gently lifted it up with some tweezers. Placing it in a small evidence bag I sealed it up to send to the lab later on. Rising I noticed a small patch of blood nearby. "Still wet." Then I looked up to see that there was more. Grinning I couldn't help but think how perfect that is. I began to follow the trail silently, keeping my ears focused on my surroundings. Then I heard it. Heavy breathing echoed softly from a nearby alley. I pulled out my gauntlets and prepared to show myself. "Have a rough day, eh chimera?" At the sound of my voice the labored breathing seemed to stop. "Looks like you got beat pretty bad." He said stepping out. What i saw felt so unreal and unright. A younge teenager sat it front of me, brown hair, green eyes, green scales on his hands, neck, and face with a lizard tail. His eyes widened in fear and he quickly tried to hide but was slowed by his wounds. I barely reached out and grabbed him by the collar before he could escape. "P-please! D-don't h-hurt me!" The boy cried curling in on himself, still not seeming adjusted to the lizard blood. I frowned. "I wish I couldn't kid but I gotta do my job. I'll be sure to make it as painless as possible though." I tried to assure him. I felt some wet on my hand and realized he was crying. My frown grew. If I was him I'd probably be jumping at every chance to die I could get. Pulling out my gun from it's holster on my right side while holding him with my left I cocked the pistol and prepared to kill him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A female voice echoed around me startling me slightly. "Who's there?! Show yourself!" I demanded. "My pleasure." The voice said confidently as another chimera fell in front of me. This was a wolf chimera and if I remember correctly she's on the top of the hit list. "Friday the 13th. I never thought I'd get to see you in person." I said calmly, scanning the girl slowly. Her eyes widened in something almost like recognition. "You must be Samuel Mustang, The Ember Alchemist if I recall." I nodded. "That's right." She grinned. "Alchemist or not that's one of my people you have there. I'm afaid I can't just let you kill him." "And what can you do to stop me?" She laughed. "You have spunk Mustang but I'm afraid I already have." She said her yellow/ gold eyes glinting through the black porcelain, wolf face mask she wore. I turned to check on the other when I felt a large hit to my temple. I fell to the ground as stars swirled in my vision. The last thing I remember was red books walking towards me and pain as everything faded to black.

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