Chapter 4: The 13th

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"Are you ok, Logan?" The young Lizard boy nodded quickly giving out a sigh of releif. "Y-yeah. Thanks Friday." I smiled softly and ruffled the boys hair. "It's no problem kid. Where's Jack? He should be with you if your out." Jack Arufu. He never let one of his pack members run out on their own unless somethings wrong. I felt worry churn in my stomach. "S-some cops saw us earlier and chased us. I-i got clipped by a b-bullet and he left me in that alley to hide. He r-ran ahead to try to shake the cops." He hesitated and looked at me worridly.  "W-what if he doesn't make it, Friday? W-what will I do then?" I sighed and smacked him on the head. "You worry too much. Jack is a rabbit chimera. I'd be suprised if they could keep up with him in a car, much less on foot. I'm sure he's already on his way back now." Giving him a reassuring smile I helped him up. "Ummm Friday. What are we going to do with this guy?" Zach asked, his brown speckled wings sprouting from his dark green t-shirt, as he bent before the knocked out officer. I sighed, scanning the man with cold eyes. "I guess we could just leave him here... That would be mean. I guess we could drop him off at my mothers house. It's not far from here and he probably knows them." Zach nodded in understanding before turning to Logan who was struggling to stand. "I can carry the officer but the kid would be too much." "I got him. Just go ahead. I've got to do something first." He glared at me. "Are you sure you want to do that? They will know you've been here." I chuckled. "They probably already know. I might as well sign my art." He shook his head, picked up the officer, spread his wings and took flight. Once he was out of sight I turned to the wall. Logan watched me cautiously as my fingernails became like claws. Then with a loud screech I dragged them across the concrete before turning to Logan. "Are you ready?" He nodded, speechless, and I picked him up piggyback style. Then jumping, I landed on the roof of an old factory building leaving an empty alley and the roman numeral 13 carved into the wall.
Winry Rockbell Elric was fixing dinner in her house just like every other day when she heard a knock on her door. Looking to the food on the stove the to the living room she sighed in releif when she saw her son watching TV. "Max. Can you please get the door?" Said boy looked up and nodded. "Sure Mom." He pulled himself up and walked over to the front door in the hall. Opening it slowly he peeked out but threw it open when he saw who was standing there. "Zach!" He said happily. "Hey max. Is your mom here?" "I'm right here." She said calmly. Then she saw he had someone in his arms. Her eyebrows raised and he gave her a nervous grin. Sighing she said, "set him on the couch." Still grinning the owl chimera followed Max to the living room and sat the soldier down. "Friday should be coming here soon." Zach sighed as he plopped down in a nearby recliner.  Max shared a glance with his mother before sitting down on the second couch and waiting anxiously as watching the door.

A soft wind blew over the rooftops,  flying by past the young wolf chimera as she ran past the setting sun. She stopped when she reached a flat topped building. "You hangin' in there kid?" She asked, swiviling her ears to listen to her guest. "I-i think i-i'm gonna be sick..." the young lizard boy said as he covered his mouth with his hand. Friday frowned and sat him down. "You'd better not throw up on me. It's way to hard to get that out of leather." She joked trying to lighten his spirits. He just clutched his stomach tighter causing Friday to sweatdrop. After a few moments of Logan calming his stomach and Friday watching the setting sun the two set off again. Jumping from roof to roof they finally made it to their destination. Checking the area to make sure no one was watching she jumped down and landed on the ground with a soft thud. Knocking on the door gently, she pulled Logan closer when she felt him start to shiver. Then the door opened slowly revealing zach and max. "Hey girl. We don't want any cookies." Zach joked. Friday, feeling very cold and irritable, attempted to punch him but he just barely dodged.  Max let out a slight snicker as Zach fell from being unbalanced. A loud crash caused Mrs.Elric to peek around the corner. Friday's eyes grew with happiness at the sight of her mother and she jumped over the frazzled Zach to greet her. "Hey Mom." She said giving her a hug. Winry returned the hug with equal enthusiasm.  "What have you been up to, Love? First you bring a passed out soldier then it looks like the whole packs going to be staying here." She said, humor sounding in her voice. Friday grinned. "Oh. You know. Getting a cold here. Running from cops there. Just the usual." Winry grinned. "Well you guys must be tired. I'll deal with the guy on the couch. Your rooms still the same. Zach and Logan can stay in your brothers old room." And with that Friday realised how tired she was so without arguing she trudged up the stairs by the door and up to the second floor where the bedrooms were found. Max swiftly followed her but Zach stopped him. "Isn't it about time you get to bed too? We can catch up in the morning." He said.  Max was hesitant but relented. Leading the others to the rooms, Zach climbed the stairs leaving Mrs.Elric to ponder what to do with the military man. Suddenly a lightbulb went off in her head and she carried the young soldier outside, took him down the street to the neighbors dog pen, and threw him in. "You can join the rest of the dogs for tonight." She said, dusting herself off before turning back to the house to get some shut eye herself.

Authors Note:
Finally!!! I've had like serious writers block when it came to this chapter! So glad it's finished! Alright. We are starting to enter the story now, so what do you guys think?

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