chapter 2: School days

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The school bell rang loudly, echoing through the halls, and signaling the end to another boring class. I groaned as I got up from my chair and gathered my stuff. I looked up when I heard giggling.  Looking over I scoffed at several girls who kept taking glances at me. "Quite the ladies man. Arn't we Max." I looked to the voice to see my cousin sitting at the teachers desk,  grinning like a cheshire cat. His short brown hair contrasted strangely with his green seat, silverish eyes gleaming with amusement. "Whatever. I don't have time to deal with women." I said, a frown etched on my face. I really didn't.  Between school, work, and meetings with my sister I barely had enough time to do homework. Much less go on dates with girls I barely know. He shook his head in exasperation.  "You're such a party pooper Max. Get out and have a little fun once in a while. I'm sure you could easily find a good girl and you look good enough to swoo her quickly too. After all, what girl couldn't resist blonde hair and blue eyes." Yep. I definitely look more like my mother. Huffing with annoyance I looked at the clock and almost gasped. "I'm gonna be late!" I said as I rushed towards the door. "Say hi to your mother for me!" Skye said as I ran into the empty halls. Bursting through the front doors I almost fell down the stairs in my paniced rush.

Running down the streets I ran into the garage of my mothers automail shop. "Mom! I'm home!" I said opening the door. My mom turned to me from the kitchen. "Welcome back honey." Turning to a small shrine by the door I pulled out a small lighter and lit the candles. "I'm home dad." I said, looking at the picture sadly. I watched it for a moment before being broken from my trance from a voice behind me. "Hi big bwutha!" I turned around smiling and greeted my little sister with a big hug. "Hey there little bit. How was your day?" She giggled and wrapped her little arms around me. "Is good. Hows scoo?" She asked watching me with big blue eyes. "It was good." Then I smelled the air and was met with a delicious aroma. "What's that smell?" I asked Lily. She giggled. "Me an mommy made cookes!" She exclaimed as I set her down and walked to the kitchen. As soon as I saw the plate a grinned. My mother saw my face and said, "you can have two." As soon as she said that I attacked the plate pulling off the biggest two I could find. She then asked, "Are you heading south today?" Normally people would think the question was crazy but I understood completly.  Heading south is what she says when she asks if I'm visiting sister, who lives in the south. After I nodded my head in conformation she handed me a container with about twelve cookies in it. "Tell her Lily and I made them and be careful, ok?" She asked waiting for a nod before handing them to me in a basket. "Be home by supper." Was the last thing I heard before going into the garage, getting my skateboard,  and hitting the streets.

I rode down the streets and watched as the clean city lights were replaced with old garbage and grime. Sighing I stopped when I reached an old alley and looked up. "Zasha! Are you here?!" I whispered loudly. A giggle came in response. "Calm down mr ancy pants. I'm right here." I jumped when I heard the voice from behind me. Turning quickly I faced the raven girl. Smiling playfully at me she brushed long black bangs from her face and blinked purple eyes with amusement.  "Whatcha need? I don't have any money if that's what you want." I sighed and shook my head. "I don't want your money. Can Friday come out to see me?" I asked hopefully.  She frowned and shook her head. "I'm afraid not. She just got better from a nasty head cold so Aurora is trying to keep her home. If there's anything I can help with though..." she offered taking in me as I seemed to deflate with the news. I handed her the basket. "If you could give these to her that'd be great." I said. "Sure," she said taking them. "I'll tell her you came by. Do you need a ride back home?" Shaking my head in a negative I waved my hand in farewell before getting back on my skateboard and heading home.

When I arrived home I was suprised to see an extra car parked in our driveway, and when I recognized it I immediately groaned. It seemed my cousin decided to drop by for a visit... and probably some free food too. Opening the door I called, "Mom! I'm home!" I didn't hear a response for a moment until I heard a door close upstairs. The sound of feet could be heard as she made her down the stairs. Wiping the grease off of her hand with an old rag she said, "that was fast. I thought you were going to be out longer." "So did I. Turns out Fridays been sick so the team is trying to get her back into shape before letting others around her." She frowned. "I see. We'll have to check with aurora after this then to see if she's still good on medicine." Nodding I looked around. "Where's..." I didn't even get to finish my question because suddenly we were interrupted by  a little girl in a princess costume ran by. Seeing me she clinged on to the leg of my jeans. "Hewp me big bwuthu! A big scawy monsta is aftew mes!" She cried. Looking were she came from I tried to stiffle my laughter when I saw Skye dressed in a dragon costume roaring like godzilla. Kneeling down I said, "don't worry princess. You hero is here to protect you." She looked at me before giggling.  "Yow no hewo. Yow a faiwi." She said with a signifying nod. Now it was skyes turn to laugh as I scoffed, "well excuuuse me princess." We all shared a quick laugh before my mother turned to us blue eyes twinkling with laughter as she said, "How about we put this on hold until after dinner. It won't do the princess or hero any good to be rescued on an empty stomach." I nodded wholeheartedly and Skye started to drool. Casting a quick glance at him I raced him into the kitchen, my mother lifting Lily up and carrying her in behind us. As we all sat down at the table as a family we were once again reminded of the joy of being around those you love and as I cast a quick glance to the chair left empty I couldn't help but wonder of he'd be proud of what I'd become.

Authors note:
Gawsh. This one felt like it took forever. Just another introductory chapter into the characters. I should only have one more before we start the actual story itself. Please hang in there! Feel free to comment! I love feedback!

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