Chapter 5: Memories

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Authors Note:
OMG!!! This is probably one of the funnest chapters I've written in a while! XD  I just enjoyed it so much and I hope it's just as fun to read. So sorry for any grammer issues. I'm trying my best and will come back later to edit. Thanks so much for reading!

Chapter 5:

"It... Test... 13.. Awake... Contain..." a loud voice pierced through a cloudy haze that covered my mind, but I was unable to understand much of what was said. I tried to shake my head to clear the fog but found I couldn't move it. Remember... what am I trying to remember.  Where am i? What's wrong with my body? Why can't I move? Suddenly a loud tapping sounded and caught my attention,  reminding me of how a child taps on the glass at a zoo.

Words spoke afterwards,  a too cheery voice to go with it. "Friday? Are you awake, dear?" Two options shown in my head. I could fake that I was still asleep and wait until the person leaves or I could open my eyes and get some awnsers... in my head I silently cursed my curiosity as I tried to pry my eyes open. Wincing at the light I took a few minutes to adjust before identifying the voice that spoke to me. An older looking man in a white lab coat with glasses and brown hair smiled at me in a way that sent chills up my spine. "Good morning, Friday! It's good to see you awake!" Uneasiness flooded through my veins and I probably would've been shaking had I been able to move.

I took quick glances around to try to figure our where I was. I seemed to be in some sort of capsule, a clearish red liquid circling around me, a clear mask covering my face, feeding me oxygen and allowing me to see. I looked around the outside, behind the man to find pure white walls with several different computers and more men in white coats, many watching me with an almost deranged excitement. "Friday." My name brought my attention back to the man in front of me. "We're going to be letting you out of your capsule now. If your good and obey us we will not have to put you back. Do you understand?" I tried to speak but found I could not move my tounge so I settled for the next best thing and gave the man a slight nod. This received several excited whispers from thr other white coated men. He smililed dangerously and flicked a switch nearby. Almost instantly I felt the gooey liquid begin to decrease and a wet cold seep through my body. That would be expected though. What was not expected was a wave of pain that hit me like a train. A pounding head ache caused me to wince and the aches in my bones and musclea caused a small whimper to escape through clenched teeth. The scientists seemed to ignore this but I managed to hear something that made the world seem to freeze. "This is a first. Not a scream at all." A first?! What do they mean a first?! Have they done this to other people?! Wait... what have they done?!! Why do I feel like this?!! Why does it hurt so much?!! Panic began to settle in and I began hyperventilating. The scientist came over to me and tsked softly. "Now Friday. I would think this wouldn't be that bad. I assure you, you would have died had we not done what we did." That caught my attention and as I tried to regulate my breathing I asked, "what..(gasp).. did.. you... (gasp).. do?" He grinned wider than the cheshire cat as he handed me a small mirror. "Why don't you look for yourself?"

I took the mirror with a trembling bony hand and brought it to eye level. It took a moment to process the sight but when I did my eyes widened and the battle to keep calm had been lost. Golden ears tucked down in fear into my hair and my golden eyes, beautiful gold eyes my father had loved so much, became more animal like with a yellowish tint. They were dull and tired but I got the feeling they would glow if the lights were out. I opened my mouth slightly to speak but froze when I glanced at my canine teeth. They had sharpened drastically and now I noticed redish tint on them as if they had bled recently.  I wanted to say something, anything it felt like, just to feel like I was still human. The only words that managed to escape were no less than a whisper, my voice was a ghost in comparison to what it used to be. "I-I'm... a... chimera."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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