Who's coming?

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"Okay, sure sure. Okay.. See ya then", the fourty ninth phone call of the day disconnected as my boss sighs loud enough for us to hear.

"Aishhh, this workload is so hectic for me.. And now this", he mummled while rubbing his temple trying to erase the stress or something.

"Gather up, fellas. I have something to tell y'all", he motioned us to come forward.

"Dangg my client had almost accepted the offer", Mira said tch-ing for the nth time since we started working.
Fun fact is that it's just 10 a.m.
We open up at 9 a.m.

Globe Tours and Travels are always this busy, just lately many staff members left their job after the pandemic, so we are a bit short on staff.
Me, I'm not of much importance because I'm just an intern in her early twenties who couldnt yet be permanent because of her habits.

They say I keep slacking off  during office hours, but the truth is just that I keep streaming Seventeen's new song, 'hitorijanai' to cure my quarantine hangover.
Ahh You know mental peace not a right, it's a previlidge.

Anyways, let's see the hot topic being disclosed by the manager.

"So, I've recieved a sudden contract from a South Korean Entertainment company named Pledis which is related to HYBE labels.", he paused as a weird scene came in sight, he ignored it and continued,

"A Boyband working under them is coming to India for an award show.

I have a lot of work rather than assigning a guide to them, so you can volunteer."
The awkward scene consisted of multiple rolled eyes and sighs concentrated on some silly fangirl maybe.

I look around to see who she is.

She is me.

My coworkers know that all I did for the day is just print some papers, listen to kpop boy bands,
print some more papers,
recieve my kpop merch,
( since my mom would kill me if she sees i spend my salary on some boys who don't even know me.)

Anyways, my eyes sparkled at my boss, shining as bright as Dokyeom's teeth making him squint his eyes in disgust.
Yeah, nobody likes fan girls except our loneliness.

"Okay oka-", the boss took his time to decide whether to assign me as their manager, because I was still an intern until he was interrupted by a female,

"HYBE, means they are related to BTS.. OMG", Mira whispered next to my lost self until finally shouting,
"Sir, I'll do it."

It feel like my dreams shattered inside my dark eyeballs which gleamed a while ago.
My angel-like face turned into an annoyed one muttering, "What's with this ho
BTS works directly under HYBE, and already boss mentioned Pledis..


"SEVENTEEN???", I shouted in surprise.

"Yes, Seventeen." my boss pointed a finger at me,
"okay so Mira, you will take care of it", he clapped his hands before starting to leave.

"I thought its BTS.
Arghh, why did I get myself into unnecessary work", she mumbled under her breath, loud for me to hear.

You literally squeezed your ass through the silver lining god was supposed to send to me.", I roll my eyes.
Even though we never had a good friendship between me and Mira, we still respected each other's presence. But now, it's gonna be a Cold war from my side.

The boss took some steps ahead, only to turn back,
"Ah yeah and Mira, you'll have to see to their cooking and cleaning too. He said, we need to keep minimal people in the house for the privacy of the boys."

Seventeen's Caretaker? // OT13xReaderWhere stories live. Discover now