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 (Any type of narration is done from Nagisa's POV)

We all stare at each other stunned. None of us thought we would ever be in this situation again.

A man of strong stature walks through the door.

Everyone- "MR. KARASUMA!!!"

As Mr. Karasuma walked into the cafeteria a projector screen slowly cascades down.

"Well hello, children. I know everyone is a bit shocked, some of you might be angry but, you're going to have to get over it. We've got a rather large problem."

On the screen projections of huge abnormal creatures appeared.

"When Korosensei blew up the testing facility he was being held in large amounts of genetically engineered tentacle matter became airborne. Luckily this isn't affecting humans. As for the animals, many of them are evolving. All of you have already had training in the field. We need you to - "

Karma- "Well teach, it's been a while you look great, but I think you've been hit on the head one too many times. How are we supposed to fight these creatures?"

Terasaka- "Didn't think you would be one to turn down a fight."*snickers*

" I think you have been mistaken. You are a meathead, aren't you? I guess some things you just can't grow out of."-

"You, Asshole."

"-As I was saying we are all in different schools, it's the middle of the school year, and what are everyone's parents' going to say. I mean mine won't care but-"

Megu(Meg) - "Karma has a point. Most of us take care of our families. We have a lot more responsibilities than we did before."

Karasuma- "I know you guys are concerned, but we already figured out the details. The government has created a base on a secluded Island. The island is as big as Madagascar. Everything you need will be provided. As for your families, arrangements will be made. Depending on if you agree to come."

Karasuma holds up a clipboard and states:
" Whoever wants to go, sign up here. I'll be back in an hour."

A timer shows up on the projector screen. Karasuma starts to walk towards the door.

Hinano- "WAIT!!!"

"What is it? Hinano? If I remember correctly. "

" Yes, you remembered correctly. W-What if we don't want to go." Her head bowed as she looked towards the ground.

" It's fine if you don't want to go, but keep this in mind, we need all of you. I know you guys are content with the way your lives are going. I mean look at the moon, it's slowly taking its circular shape again. But just remember this- if we don't find a way to stop the spread or kill off whatever demonish creatures are lurking out there, it's going to be hell on Earth. It's your call, but I thought you would be most willing to help. I remember your love for wildlife."  Karasuma turns and walks out. Leaving Hinano wide-eyed and scared."

Maehara- "Damn!" He sits on the floor and lays on his back. "We just got out of this shit and now-" he laughs inwardly "we are just back where we started."

The entire class watches as Karma steadily walks over to the clipboard.
" Whelp, why not have some fun right. If they were ready to give a class of 15-year-olds 10 billion yen, I wonder what they got for us this time."
He signs his name.

I shouldn't be shocked,  he is one to do something irrational without thinking it through. I don't know what I want to do. Signing that chart will pull a full 180 on my life. Am I ready for that?

Nakamura- She lets out a breathy laugh. "I had a feeling it would come to this. Not much is going for me anyway so, I've got nothing to lose. This is what Korosensei would have wanted." She strives over to the table and signs the clipboard.

Kayano- "You're right, this would be what he would have wanted" She signs the clipboard

Terasaka turns towards his group. "We are going to look like major wimps if we don't go and sign the clipboard."
Yoshida and Itona nodded.

Takuya - " I do want to go, but I still have to take care of the restaurant. It's going to go out of business if I don't."

Terasaka- "Did you not hear a word Karasuma said? I'm sure they will take care of it. What's going to happen to the restaurant if the world goes to shit?"

Takuya nodded in agreement.

Kirara- "Well boys I'm glad you've finally come to a consensus. Now come on we've got a clipboard to sign."

10 people have signed the clipboard. I look up at the projector- T- 00:30:30. Dang time is moving faster than expected.

Sugino- "Hey, Nagisa."

"Oh hey, what's up"

"Well, we both haven't come up with a decision yet." He lets out a loud sigh. "What am I supposed to do about baseball. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to play if the world gets destroyed. But what if my skill goes away? Then what, I save the world twice and can't do what I love?"

I smile at him. " Didn't being in this class help your baseball skills, I'm sure they will be able to help you practice on the island. If anything you would most likely return as an even better player."

" Hmm, I think you're right Nagisa. I'm going to go sign the clipboard. I don't have much else to lose anyway."

T-00:15:09 20 names on the clipboard.

I think back through all the memories I've had with Korosensei.  I've concluded; I lose absolutely nothing from signing this clipboard. My parent are happy together, I don't have siblings to care for. The fact that I have been given the chance to relive anything close to the assassination classroom is a win for me. I sign the clipboard.

"I didn't think you had it in you. I was scared the bloodlust inside you had run dry. Even so, you have barely grown I'm sure I would have been able to fit you in a suitcase"(¬‿¬)

I punch his arm. "Shut up Karma."
(*  ̄︿ ̄)

A quiet but sinister laugh echoes from him. "Hmm, are you trying to initiate a fight Nagisa? I thought we were friends now. But you know I'm down for anything."( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

I never wanted to bash my head into a wall before. There's a first time for everything I guess. I just sigh and walk towards the projector.

T-00:05:17 25 names on the clipboard.

There are only two people left. Okuda and Takebayashi.

I walk over to them. If we need anyone it's the science geeks. "Hey, Okuda, Takebayashi It has been a while. Hasn't it?

Okuda- " Hey, yeah, it has been."

" Are you guys going to sign the clipboard?"

They both looked downcast at the question.

Takebayashi- "If I am anywhere near correct, you came over here because you realize you're missing the science "geeks", huh?

Dang did Takebayashi now have the ability to read minds. " No, that's not it. I just wanted to see what your decision was."

"It's okay Nagisa. I was just talking about it with Okuda we are going to sign up. Never know what type of scientific discoveries could be made on a secret government-owned island. "

T-00:00:00 27 names on the clipboard.

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