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A/N: Sorry for the late update finals have been a kick to the ass (。-人-。) Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this update... Nagisa P.O.V

The mall looked big from the outside, but being inside the place is a different story. it seems like a jungle waiting to trap us in its endless racks of clothes. 

Kaede- "Well, come on guys, I've got a lot of things on my list and luckily I have two, strong men, to help me carry stuff."

Karma- " As much as I love a compliment, they have mall carts so you'll be able to carry it yourself. Come on Nagisa I'll help you upgrade your wardrobe." 

"Hmm, sure as long as you don't put me in anything weird." 

"I wasn't going to but now that you brought it up-"

Kaede- " Wait, guys we came here together. What are you doing?"


Karma- "Deep breaths Kayano, we are being respectable gentlemen allowing you to get personal items." He hands her a walkie-talkie. "If you need us, channel 10; kay?"



Karma's sense of style honestly wasn't that bad, other than the fact he didn't know how to compensate for my "small frame".

"Karma, why are you trying to put me in a turtle neck it's 21°C (71°F) outside."  

"Well, you never know if it will get cold and plus turtle necks are sexy." 


"Sure, whatever you say. Im going to look for workout clothes."

I think I got almost everything on my list. Apparently, the school uniform is going to be the combat suits they gave us. So, I don't need to worry about filling my closet. 

"Sir, two of the kids aren't showing up on our radars."

I spot one of the Government agents speaking into a walkie. So, they are tracking us. I hide behind one of the clothes racks to see what else I can hear. 

*Radio static* " What do you mean two of the kids are missing?!? Maybe they just lost their phones or something. Im reporting this to mall security, I'm sure they are somewhere in the mall." 

I need to get back to Karma. 

"Nagisa, what are you doing sneaking around the mall?"  My heart drops until I realize the voice is very familiar. 

 (˵¯͒ བ¯͒˵)ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

'Shhh, Rio, be quiet." Damn, did she just appear out of thin air? I'm going to get caught at this rate. I didn't even hear her behind me. 

I point towards the government agent. "We are all being tracked. I'm trying to get intel,  something isn't right about this place." 

"Are you sure you aren't overthinking? Obviously, they are tracking us because we are on a huge Island and if anyone got lost or injured we would be easy to find."

That does seem logical, but I can ignore the fact I was threatened by the C.O.A.F.  I just don't have enough information to go off on as of right now. 

"You are probably right I'm going to head back to the dorms soon."

"Yeah, take care of yourself Nagisa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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