Phone Call

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Nagisa's POV

We all did pretty bad on the Physical portion of the test. Well most of us, there are always exceptions.

(Setting: The Track)

Isogai- "Wow Sugino, your stamina went up since the last time I saw you."

"Well, I do go to a school for athletics."

"Karma was my competition back in junior high, but it's good to change it up sometimes."

"Speaking of Karma did you see him at Marksmanship test? He was amazing. Thinking about it, what happened to him after Junior high? Do you think he joined a gang?"

Karma- "Ha, starting rumors already?"

Isogai- "Wait, where did you come from?"

" I have been running behind you this whole time. Your heavy breathing must have made it hard for you guys to hear me."

Sugino- "Then why does it look like you just started running?"

" Stamina, something I don't think either of you know anything about."

The three of them start running like madmen to the finish line.

End of Flashback

That was incredibly exhausting. My stamina definitely took a sharp decline.

"The Pre-assessment is now over. You all did well but there is still tons of work to be done. You all have the rest of the day off. Enjoy it." Karasuma started walking back towards the auditorium.

Good, I have time to go shopping.

Kayano- " Hey Nagisa, we should totally go shopping together. 

" I would love to but, I need to take a shower first. I also have to call my mother." It's not that I don't like Kayano, I just would rather not go shopping with her at the moment.

"Nagisa, we could go later it's only 12pm."

Karma - "  Hey Kaede, are you and Nagisa going shopping?"

To hell with my luck.

"N- "

"Yes, yes we are. Do you want to come along as well Karma?"

Please say no!

" Yeah sure, let's meet up at the front of the dorm by 3 pm." 

"Perfect that gives me 3 hours to get ready and Nagisa will have enough time for his shower."

"Yup, I'll see you all later." 

Damn, at least I have a few hours to myself.  

I decided to wash my clothes that I came in. Due to my "bad" luck, the phone starts ringing.

*Phone buzzing*


"Nagisa, is that you?"

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