The Island

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(A/N:  Big thank you to those who gave me writing advice. I'll try my best to implement it.  Also, thank you to those who are keeping up with the story. ;} Oh, the story is still from Nagi's Pov. Enjoy!) 

The bus came to a stop. I look out the window to see a rather large military-grade ship. I feel my heartbeat increasing. Why am I so nervous? I am quickly shaken out of my thoughts once Karasuma started talking. 

"Children we've arrived." He held up a bucket filled with phones. "I'll be returning everyone's phone to them. Once you receive your phone you may exit the bus." He pointed towards Irina. " She will escort you all onto the boat."

Maehara- "Ah thank goodness, I didn't think we would be getting them back."

The boat trip was honestly really peaceful... other than a few inconveniences. 

Flashback: an hour prior-   

Okajima- Wow Kaede it's been a while. I guess you ended up not being "forever flat". 


Kaede- "What the hell Okajima.  Seriously, is that ALL YOU THINK ABOUT."

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"Well sorry, the last memory I have is when your shirt got ripped open and there was NOTHING THERE"


Megu-"Okajima that was uncalled for. Men are absolutely terrible. They are honestly disgusting. It's probably the main reason half the girls in our class when to an all-girls school. " 

Isogai- "Dang, am I disgusting too." 

ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ -->(˵¯͒⌢͗¯͒˵)

"No Isogai, not you; The only man I know with a brain in his head."


Kaede- "What is going on? "

"I have no idea." all I can do is shake my head in pure confusion. 

End of Flashback 

The Island is huge. We all get escorted to an auditorium.  There were already a group of agents waiting in the cafeteria. After a few seconds, the chief of armed forces walks onto the stage.  

"Hello, children I'm sure Mr. Karasuma has already briefed you all on the reasons you are here. So, I'm going to show you what's on this Island. Come follow me." He walks off the stage and takes us to a different building. 

"This building here is where you will be living. Everyone has their own room with an adjacent bathroom. There are 3 separate communal "hangout" spaces. One for girls, one for boys, and one that is co-ed. There is also a kitchen. If you know you cant cook please don't use it. In addition, there is a pool, game room, art room, music room, a quiet room, oh and there is also a library. Anything your young heart's desire is readily available to you." 

This place is pretty awesome, maybe I've made the right choice to come here. 


Kirara- "I'm just happy about the library and the quiet room"

We all walk to a place that looks like a very large mall with an outdoor food court. 

"We know you all are going to need clothes so we decided to add this mall. The mall will stay updated with the newest fashion so no need to worry about that. As for the food court, there will be food items from all over the world. "

Hinano- "Oh thank goodness, I was worried I would have to keep wearing these."

When they "kidnapped" Hinano she must have been sleeping poor girl has been in her pajamas this whole time.

Hara- " Food. From. All. Over. The. World." 



We visited many other locations: A  Gym, Archery and shooting range, a movie theater, and the school building.  We return to the auditorium.

"Well children the tour is over does anyone have questions?"

I ponder for a second.  Suddenly I get a weird feeling and a question pops up.

"Sir, I have a question. Who is going to be running the stores and facilities?"

"That's a good question, tomorrow around 100 new agents will be coming to run these places. They are all well trained so don't understatement them. They will keep an eye on you all. Okay? Any other questions?"

That would make sense but something just doesn't feel right. I try to shake the feeling for the time being. 

Karma- "Kinda surprised Nagisa didn't ask this, but why did you kidnap us? I feel like there were other ways to bring us in."

"I didn't expect you all to understand why we did it, but just know that was the most effective method."

"If there are no other questions I will continue." He sounds annoyed.

 "Everyone will be receiving their ID card today. These cards allow you to get into your rooms, they will also allow you in to your designated hangout room.  The cards also act as bank cards so don't lose them." 

I receive my Id card and start to exit the auditorium. Hopefully, I remember where the dorms are.

 Chiba- "Nagisa" He beckons me over.

I'm a bit confused about what he may want but I come over anyway. Rinka is standing next to him.

"Hey, what's up?" I try to keep my tone cheerful. 

Rinka- Does this whole situation seem weird? We are both getting weird vibes."

"I'm going to have to agree." I look up to see a security camera pointed straight at us. I squint my eyes to see a red flashing light.

"Guys let's not talk like this in front of the cameras we still don't really know what situation we are in." 

We walk to the dorms. I open the door to my room. It looks nice, I flop back onto the bed. It's rather comfortable, I walk around the rest of the room. I open my closet to a nice surprise, they gave us the combat suits back. I smile to myself relishing in old memories. I lay back in the bed. 

"Cheers to new memories." I feel myself drifting off.


(No longer Nagisa's Pov)

The video of Nagisa, Chiba, and Rinka played on a large screen.

"You were right Karasuma these kids are something else, too smart for their own good. Sadly they have no idea what they are in store for.

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