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We decide to group up at one of the large tables. 

Nakamura- "Wow Nagisa, you've finally cut your hair. You still look as adorable as ever. Karma don't you think he looks Adorable?" 

(○`ε'○)/\(○`ε'○) devilish smiles appear on their faces. 

God, I don't even want to know what they could be scheming. Some people really don't change. I end up switching seats to avoid whatever they were planning. 

Karasuma finally walks back in. He picks up the clipboard and lightly smirks to himself.  He turns toward the door.

"Irina get In here. We don't have all day!" 

"AH Yes, Sir." (≧▽≦)/ She runs in and stands at attention. Karasuma sighs and shakes his head.

"I knew you guys would follow through. It's kind of stupid how you guys jump into things without even having all the details. " He signals 10 other government agents to come in. They take a seat at the tables. There was one agent at each table.

" These agents will contact your families and fill out your paperwork. When you are finished they will walk you to the bus waiting outside. Does everyone understand? 

Everyone- " Yes, sir!"

"Good, I'll be going, come on Irina." Irina smiled and waved at us as she passed by. 

We form lines in front of each of the tables.  I sit in my thoughts trying to figure out if I've made the right decision. 

"You're next." The young woman says. She doesn't look much older than 25. She has shoulder-length hair and a bright smile. 

I smile back

" Hello, It's nice to meet you. May I have your name, please?

"Nagisa; Nagisa Shiota" 

She starts typing in my information.

" Okay, Nagisa. Can I have your parents' phone number, we have to call them?"

"Yeah, my mom's number is XXX-XXX-XXXX."

"Thank you, while I give her a call get started on your paperwork. Oh, what's the name of the school you go to?"

" Yokosuka High" 

"Perfect, thank you." 

I start on the paperwork it's mostly medical history. I hear my mom pick up the phone. 

"Hello, who is this?" 

" Ah, greetings Mrs. Shiota. I'm calling you from Yokosuka High. Your son Nagisa Shiota has gotten into the most exquisite boarding school in the world. We tested the students today he passes with flying colors. We have your email on file, everything will be sent to you via this email. He did so well, we are willing to send you compensation for your troubles. To receive the compensation your son will have to be sent there today." 

" I'm glad he passed but how do I know you're not just trying to kidnap my kid. Put him on the phone, please." 

" Yes, of course." she mutes the phone and hands it to me. 

" Hi mom" 

" Nagisa are you in trouble. Am I on speaker? 

"No, mom you're not."

"Say pear if you are in actual trouble."

" Mom I'm perfectly fine. I actually did well on something. I thought you would be happy for me. I'm running out of time. They will email you all of the details. I swear it's completely safe other parents have already agreed."

"Fine Nagisa. We were just getting together as a family. I guess you didn't think so, I can see how eager you are to leave me. Bye Nagisa,  call me sometimes, okay?" 

"Yeah, mom I'll call you, bye." I hand the phone back over to the agent.

" I will allow Nagisa to go but I'm going to need a call from the Principal. If I don't get one by the end of the day I'm calling the police saying you kidnapped my son." 

" Yes ma'am, that can be arranged thank you. Have a good day ma'am."

The kind woman gives me a thumbs up and says I should be all good.

"We just need to know what you want to do with your compensation money. Each kid is being given 100,000 yen a month. What percentage do you want to keep? The leftovers will be sent to your parents." 

Whoo, that's seriously a lot of money.  I still have the leftover money from last time so I don't need to keep a large percentage of it.  

"separate the money 50 50 half goes to me and half goes to my parents." 

"Alrighty, are you done filling out the paperwork?."

I look at the last page. 

This Participate acknowledges the dangers and still wishes to proceed. Once this paper is signed they are required to stay for 1 whole year. If the job is finished before a year the participant is allowed to leave. 

Sign here, 


I decide to take a leap of faith and sign the paper. 

I hand her my paperwork and I wait as she finished entering my information in. 

She guides me out the door and through a dark hallway. The only thing I can hear is the shoes hitting the tile floors. As we walk towards the door out I hear a noise to the left of me. I turn to look. Suddenly. 

" BOO"  arms wrap around my neck and chest. I quickly look up to see who it is. 

" Damn it Karma you scared the hell out of me." ٩(ఠ益ఠ)۶ 

╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭

The woman chuckles and says "All of the agents are personally escorting everyone to the bus. How did you slip away?" 

"Getting away was rather simple the hard part was finding a place to hide in this narrow hallway." I was finally released from his clutches and we continue walking towards the exit. 

We arrive in front of the bus. The agent pulls me closer to her and whispers "Stay safe, okay."

I smile up to her and nod. I start giggling. she looks at me weirdly. 

"I think you're missing something" I hold up her necklace. She stares at me startled. I hand her the necklace back. 

"I guess this is why they choose you, kids, for the mission, goodbye Nagisa." She turns around and walks back into the building. 

I board the bus.  Trying to find a seat did prove troublesome.

"Nagisa." I look over to see Rio pointing at the seat next to her.  "Uh, dang it'" I mumble to myself. 

We wait for the rest of the class to board. Once karasuma did a headcount. The bus departed. 

Off we go a new life awaits

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