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Alice sat in her bedroom, looking at the watch she had found in the back of her cupboard. It had all these strange circles on in, and it appeared to be broken. She had been trying to open it for hours. In frustration she threw the watch against the wall and fell back on her bed. Looking around the room she checked her cell phone. Her friends were texting her, asking her over for the weekend. Asking about her crush and if she was going to go to so and so's party. She smiled then looked to the floor, the watch was still there. She thought about leaving it there for a while, but her curiosity got the better of her. 

She sighed and picked up the watch, it wasn't even scratched. She took it downstairs and showed it to her dad. He smiled and showed her the small switch locking it. Of course he knew how it all worked, he liked stuff like that. She ran off up to her bedroom and closed the door. She left the watch on her desk for a while, she had other things to do. She wasn't popular, but she wasn't an outcast either. Finally she looked up from her twitter page and realized the watch still sat on her desk. She walked over and picked it up. She ran her hands over it a few more times, she could swear she heard voices. Then she opened the watch.

Nothing happened. Then everything happened at once. All the memories flooded back into her, her past. Susan Foreman, Sarah Jane Smith, K-9, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Amelia Pond, Rory Williams, Clara Oswald, River Song. Fourteenth regeneration. Her name, of course she remembered it. But what she went by. She opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. "Hello," she said testing out her voice, "I'm the Doctor." She laughed and jumped up and down. "I'm a girl! Never been a girl before, and so young looking. And I'm ginger!" She shrieked as she ran her hands through her hair. 

Then she was hit by more memories. The TARDIS, always changing, just like her. Memories of lost companions, of all the good and bad times. "2 years! My old girl needs a run!" Alice declared. She sprinted for the basement and threw the tarp off a large bulky figure. Her TARDIS, she unlocked the door and strolled in. She was greeted with the familiar light that came from the console as she walked up to it and ran her hands over it. She flipped off the handbrake and pulled the accelerator. She decided to just let the TARDIS go for a run, she had a wardrobe to pick out. She ran up to the huge expanse of the wardrobe and ran along the racks and shelves.

When she came back she could swear the TARDIS was judging her. "Hey, I don't comment on your sense of style." The Doctor said as she walked back into the control room. She had on a TARDIS blue tank top with a leather jacket on top, a bowtie holding her hair back, a black skater skirt, and rainbow knee-high toe socks in blue converses. She walked over to the console and watched as a handle popped out of the console. Smiling, the Doctor picked up her new sonic screwdriver. She looked it over and tested it out, the purple tip lighting up and emitting the familiar buzzing sound. She flipped it once and tucked it in her inside coat pocket then turned to the console. "Brilliant!" She laughed as she looked around her bigger-on-the-inside-TARDIS. "I like that, brilliant, must say that more often. Let's go on a brilliant adventure old girl, let's see the stars again."

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