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Troy frowned at Alice. Ever since her told her his family past, she had been keeping her distance. Any time he'd stand by her, she'd shuffle a few feet away from him. Though she hid it well, Troy could still see something in her eyes, something he couldn't identify.

"Troy, you okay? You haven't touched your food."

They had decided on a small lunch on the moon. Yep, the moon. Troy snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at his food. He had a grilled chicken ceasar wrap with water and Alice had fishsticks and custard with apple juice. She popped her last bite of fishstick in her mouth and chewed.

"Yeah Alice, I'm fine."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, you're not. Spill."

Troy sighed. Nothing can get past her. "Okay, I was just thinking if you were mad at me or something," he looked at her straight in the eye, "I just wanted to know why."

"I'm not mad at you Troy," Alice tucked a strand on hair behind her ear. "You've done nothing wrong. It's just....when you talked about your family, it kind of hit home. I knew your great grandparents Troy. I was best friends with them."

Troy looked at his food, but lost his appetite. "I knew I should of told you, but it was just so much of a shock to me. I look nothing like them, but you have great grandmother's spirit. She loved adventure, I can tell that you do too." She gave him a warm smile. "So, I'm sorry I've been kind of distant lately, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing."

Troy nodded his head. "Okay, I forgive you. I'd probably be distant too if I found that out." Alice looked up at him and sighed. "What?"

"You...you don't understand, how hard...frustrating." She stood up and marched back to the TARDIS, leaving her empty plate and a small stack of bills. Troy shook his head and grabbed his wrap. Walking over to the blue box, he noticed that she had actually locked him out. He had a key, but she never locked him out, never. He pulled out his key and opened the door, half-expecting to find Alice collapsed on the floor sobbing. She wasn't, he didn't see her at all. He went up to the console, and touched the screen. Nothing happened, then a voice came from behind him.

"Voice interface enabled." It was a Scottish accent, he turned to find a shifting hologram of a young girl with bright red hair.

"Who are you?" Troy asked hesitantly.

"I am a voice interface."

"Of whom?"

"Amelia Pond."

Troy sucked in breath, when the hologram disappeared and he turned to see Alice walking away down a hallway. She held a small remote that had obviously controlled the hologram. The console's lights dimmed slightly, and Troy turned back to the screen. "Work with me you machine." The screen flashed to life and he was seeing things he couldn't understand. All he saw was a picture of Alice (no, the Doctor, he had to stop thinking of her as some extraordinary girl, she was off limits, right?), and she was...was that a pool? In a library?

He wandered off towards the library and found that, yes, Alice was swimming in a pool in the library. Troy decided to leave her be, let her burn off some steam. And he didn't want to look like a creep. So he quietly slipped off and back to his room where he decided it best to just sleep until he woke up.


Alice didn't stay in the pool long, she had something important to do. She got dressed in her usual odd outfit, and went back to the control room. Flipping switches and levers, silently of course. She didn't want to wake Troy. Finally they landed, and she stepped out into the madness of a marketplace. But she had a one track mind.

This was no ordinary marketplace, they sold very interesting items here. She walked up to the particular stand she needed and bought her items. Then, upon re-entering the TARDIS she opened the small, overflowing blue diary with the neat yet messy handwriting she had loved once in a past self. "Oh, my brilliant Melody, of course you kept tabs on them. You wrote it all down, here in our diary." They way she said "our" reminded her of old times. But now she had research to complete, research on a certain family tree.

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