Temples, Temples and Wait, Girlfriend?!

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Alice rolled her eyes as Troy bounced around with excitement. They were debating on whether or not to see Greece back in the olden days, but since Troy was giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes she's ever seen, she couldn't say no.

"This is gonna be so amazing!" He pumped his fist in the air.

"Yeah yeah, keep your panties on." She smirked, flipping the controls. The TARDIS began to shake, causing Tory and Alice let out whoops of laughter.

The warm Greece air wrapped around Troy and Alice. Alice frowned as she struggled to tame her wild hair. The red hair blew around her face like wild fire. Tory looked at her with a smile. She wore a white shirt with her leather jacket, green skater skirt, converses and rainbow socks. She pulled out a black bowtie and clipped her bangs away from her face. "There, that's much better. Troy, why is your face red?"

Troy quickly turned away. "It's nothing."

"Okay..." She pointed over to a huge area. "Let's go there and eat some amazing Greek food."

"And look! There's the temple of Zeus!"

Alice laughed as Troy ran around the streets and tall temples of Greece. She leaned against a marble column as Troy spouted facts about the temple. His lips ran a mile a second, telling random facts. "Troy, I may be an alien, but I don't understand you when you speak fast."

His face blushed. "S-sorry. I just love Greece, I've always wanted to go and see the temples themselves. It's amazing!"

"C'mon, let's go check out some more places." Alice pointed over to other temples. 

After what felt like forever, Troy had finally seen every temple he wanted to see. They walked back to the TARDIS, only because Alice wanted to sit down and rest. She slumped in an unladylike fashion. Her top half was hanging off a chair while the bottom half of her was sprawled out. Her red hair hung below her in a path of fire. 

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" Troy smiled.

"Well, yes," she gave him a smirk. "But if you said it again I wouldn't mind..."

Alice slid over and motioned for Troy to come over. She placed her head on his shoulder. The sound of cello music began to echo throughout the TARDIS. Alice let out a soft giggle, as Troy went beet red. He looked down at Alice with a small smile. Her red hair trailed down her shoulders in a wave. 

"So, have any place you wanna go next?" Unconsciously she intertwined her fingers with his. Though it was unexpected, he didn't pull away. He rubbed his thumb gently on her hand. "I was thinking Ancient Rome. I've always wanted to see the old architecture."

She nodded her head. "Sure, Ancient Rome sounds fun. But first, I feel like we should stop by your flat, just to check in with your parents."

"Mum! I'm home!"

Troy heard the thudding of footsteps. His mother and father entered the mudroom. They both had a look of relief on their faces. "Troy! Where have you been? You said you were going to Anthony's, then he called and said you never showed up!"

"I-I'm sorry! I totally forgot. I was with Alice."

"Wait," his father raised an eyebrow. "Who's Alice?"

Saving him from a terrible explanation, the redhead popped her head through the door. "That would be me. Hello there, lovely to meet you, I'm Alice." She shook his parents hands with a huge grin. "Yes! This is Alice, m-my..."

"Girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend." Troy felt his eyes widen for a second, but caught his composure quickly. "Y-yes, my girlfriend. Totally my girlfriend."

"And we've never heard about her until now because why..."

Alice giggled. "I'm not exactly normal, to say the least. I'm guessing he didn't really know how to introduce me." Troy felt relief as his parents stopped asking questions. He could see Alice clutching something in her leather jacket, but he gave her a 'please-stop' look. She let out a breath and relaxed slightly. "Well, as much as I would like to stay, I need to get back home. I was wondering if Troy could stay the night, I'm moving and Troy volunteered to help me and my dad with the boxes. If it's no trouble."

His mother looked over at his father. "Well, I see no harm in that. Only if you give us a call if you need us."

"I will," Troy promised. "Thank you!"

After packing a small bag of clothes, they ran up to the blue box and stopped to catch their breath. Troy looked over at Alice who had a gleam in her eyes. "Girlfriend?! That was the only thing you could think of?"

Alice smirked. "Hey! It would've been more believable then: 'I was just with my friend Alice'. It took out the middle man, so," she hipped checked him and opened the door. "Your welcome."

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