Now you're.....Sherlock Holmes?

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Troy went to his room, happy to finally have some clothes from home. Not that what the TARDIS provided wasn't amazing, these just had memories. He unpacked his bag and then went to find Alice. Fortunately it was never hard to find Alice. He heard a clattering coming from the wardrobe. Alice emerged in a large black coat with a deerstalker and pipe. "Shhh, be quiet. I'm thinking." She muttered, pacing up and down the hall. "Wait what?"

She walked up to him and put a finger to his lips. "There's something wrong with the TARDIS, I want to find out what it is." Troy looked her up and down. Hair tucked into her deerstalker, pipe in hand. Trenchcoat. "'re pretending to be Sherlock Holmes?" She nodded vigorously and Troy nodded to himself. She wandered down the hallway and Troy followed at a slower pace. "Here, right girl?" She asked the machine itself. A groan echoed down the hallway and she nodded, opening a concealed door with a key that matched the one she'd given Troy. She walked in and Troy followed her. "Woah." He muttered as he gazed around at the tall....thing he was looking at. "Oh no! I almost forgot about you." Alice muttered.

"What is that?" Troy asked, confused by her sudden admiration. "It's my prisoner. It's a Dalek, the sworn enemy of my people. You remember them from the forest." He nodded, but this thing was huge. "Anyways, this is an empty shell, the true creature inside has escaped. That's what the TARDIS was warning me about." She declared running back out the door. "Now my deducing skills come into play." She said, lighting the pipe. 

"We know the Dalek escaped from that room, but how? They don't have the power to navigate a TARDIS." She muttered as she paced around the control panel. Troy sighed and leaned back against the railing. He looked down and saw a weird thing move just out of sight. "Alice, that way." He pointed to where he'd seen the thing. "Oh come now Troy how could you possibly know?" He turned around to face her. "Because I saw the bloody thing!" She ran over and followed him towards where he'd seen the movement. She gazed down the hallway and pulled out her sonic screwdriver. The purple end flashed and the familiar buzzing sound filled the air. 

"There!" She yelled as she got the readings back from the device and they made chase after the creature. When they turned the corner the found it lying there, weak in the light. "I should've known, it's too much for your pathetic brain isn't it? Dalek Caan, the leader of the cult of Skaro." She named the creature, which looked up at her with its lone eye. "Doc.....tor, y...ou fou...nd m..e." If the Dalek could have smiled in sadness it would have. Alice looked down sadly at the creature and snapped her fingers. A net appeared over the creature and she picked it up and carried it back to the room. She placed it back inside the shell of a creature it always lived in. She smiled at it, then pressed a button on it so it closed up. 

Then they left the room and she pulled off her coat. She left the deerstalker on. "I'm sorry about that. He gets out every so often, I hate having him locked up but it's necessary. He's gone mad, all he ever wants to do it play games." She smiled sadly, gazing into the nothingness. "He was incredible for a Dalek, he can even see the future after losing his mind by breaching the time-locked situation of the Last Great Time War and extracted Davros, the creator of the Daleks. I couldn't even do that, it would involve crossing my own timeline. He manipulated the future and betrayed his own kind to destruction. For that I owe him so much so I saved him, brought him here. But he's out of control, I don't know what to do anymore." Troy walked over and took the deerstalker off her head.

"Well, unfortunately, you make a rubbish Sherlock Holmes." She looked up at his smiling face above her. "Oi! I was brilliant! I did even better against the Great Intelligence in my Eleventh form! Oh, Victorian London was amazing." Troy's smile grew as she pranced around, happy and talking about past adventures. Something he wouldn't experience. His smile dipped, becoming sadder. "Come on! Wipe that off your face and smile again. Now, how about a trip to modern times, but to a very dear friend of mine that you haven't met yet?" Troy shrugged, and she grabbed his hand. Running with him back to the control room where she flipped levers and ran around doing all sorts of odd things. 

When they finally landed she smoothed her skirt, ran her fingers through her hair and nodded to herself. "Okay..." They both stepped out of the box and were greeted by a handsome man in a button up shirt with suspenders. "Captain Jack Harkness."


Hey guys, sorry we haven't updated in a while.

But we actually have a kinda social life, and I'm just glad I finally finished this part. Hopefully more updates will come soon!

- Em ;)

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