Welcome to my Life

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Troy looked at Alice. He kept thinking about the creature that had attacked him. This is what she did? She spent her life running from the weird alien creatures? Troy thought about his home. He left his family and friends behind! Alice waited patiently, playing with her red hair.

"I-I umm," he began to stutter. Alice gave him a smile. "It's okay if you don't wanna come along. I won't stop you." She flipped some switches and buttons and looked back at him. She motioned her head towards the door. As she opened it, they entered into the sunlight. "It's like we never left." She smiled brightly. Troy looked at the TARDIS and back at the park. 

"Would I ever see you again?" He asked with a quiet voice.

"Not postive," she tugged at her leather jacket. "When I die, I change. Looks, personality, everything. I'll still be Alice, but not the same Alice." Tory gave her a look. Alice rolled her eyes. "Never mind, it's hard to explain." 

"Then why don't you explain it?"

She looked at him. "It would take awhile. It's best if I don't." She began to walk towards the TARDIS when Troy grabbed her arm. "If I'm going to traveling with you, I may as well get to know about you a little." He felt his face get hot. Alice giggled. She pulled him in and ran to the control panel. "Okay companion," she playful smirked at him. "Where shall we go next?"

"Wherever you wanna go." He returned the smirk. "I'm up for anywhere."

Alice pushed and pulled a few buttons and levers. She rolled up her leather jacket. "Let's go visit 2010; the Winter Olympics!" She pulled the final lever and let out a laugh. Troy joined in as the TARDIS shook violently. "Why then?"

"I'm not sure, but it sounds spendid!" She looked at him with michievous eyes but Troy just laughed. "Sounds fun to me!"

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