A not so peaceful trip

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Alice ran around the control panel, flipping switches and turning dials. Troy stood off to the side, still lost for words. Finally he got up the courage to speak. "I have to get back, my family will wonder where I went." Alice looked up, boys. But, then again she had been a boy for most of her lives. "Time and relative dimension in space." She said, her words came out in a flurry. "What?" "TARDIS, that's the name of this ship, the TARDIS. It travels in time as well as space. We can go anywhere you like and still be home in time for tea." With that she smiled, the same twinkle in her eyes and landed the ship, with the brakes on so the noise echoed throughout the TARDIS. She grabbed Troy by the arm and ran with him out the doors and into...not Bermuda ll, the tropical pleasure planet she had been hoping for. 

"Damn, this isn't it. Still, no point in not checking it out." She checked for her sonic and then pulled Troy out into the forest they had landed on. Troy looked around, then gazed back at the TARDIS. "We... actually...moved." he said, each word had a long pause in between. Alice sighed and pulled him along, working her way towards life-forms that the sonic was picking up. "What is that?" Troy asked, looking at the device. "It's a sonic screwdriver! Honestly..." "That's a screwdriver?" Alice just sighed and shook her head. This was going to be a very long trip. "If that's a screwdriver, then why aren't you just...building cabinets?" "Did that a while ago, now this is interesting, more than that it's brilliant! Oh...right through here and..." they fell down a hill.

Troy sat up and spit grass from his mouth, he had to remind himself that this wasn't Earth. Alice sat up and brushed off her skirt and jacket, then looked around. "Oops." she said, and Troy looked up. There were small creatures coming out of the bushes, and they were armed. "Hello, I'm the Doctor." Alice said, standing up and gazing around at the creatures. "Doctor Who?" asked both Troy and the head creature at the same time. "Troy sit tight and shut up." Alice muttered then she turned to the group. "You know me, the Doctor, the oncoming storm." "The Doctor is dead." She laughed and walked around, pulling out the screwdriver and flipping it in the air. "The Doctor is not!" "Melody Pond..." "She didn't do it, now...you. You're Daleks. You shouldn't remember me." The creature was a octopus like creature, but it's voice was a dark croak. "Your testimony has re-awoken our knowledge, you are the sworn enemy of the Daleks, Exterminate!" 

"Wait a minute." Alice held up her hands for patience. "How did the Daleks end up here? Long way from Skaro, so what? And where are your shells to hide behind? Unless, your the lost ones! Oh, yes those Daleks who survived because they weren't called to fight, my people always called you the lost ones because you have never properly killed a Time Lord. You don't know what it's like to be on that front line, with the sky burning and shots being fired everywhere. You don't know." "Then we shall kill you." The lead Dalek croaked, then a small firearm pointed at Alice. "Troy...run!" They both ran as fast as they could through the forest. It wasn't until they were close to the TARDIS that things got really bad. A fully armoured Dalek stood by the precious box, and it saw Alice. "EXTERMINATE!!" it cried and the tree they hid behind blew up. "Other way idiot!" she yelled as she ran the opposite way that Troy did. He followed her, but he wasn't sure if he could trust her.

"Why was Bermuda ll so hard? Hmmmm...maybe she's just upset with me." Alice kept talking to herself as they ran. "Who are you?" Troy asked, pulling her aside. "I'm the Doctor, I'm a timelord, I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous, I am over 2000 years old. I have watched planets rise and fall, watched them burn. I travel and I run, and I never stop. Oh, and I'm gonna save your life so duck!" Troy hit the dirt as she pointed her screwdriver at a flying something. It blew up and small bits of gold debris fell around Troy. "Oh, now you work that way." She was talking to a screwdriver. Troy looked up at her, then over to the thing that had exploded. It was part of a Dalek. "That should have been the guard, come on, back in the TARDIS now!" Troy didn't need to be told twice. Alice ran in front of him and pulled out a key. She unlocked the doors and he ran back inside the big-small box. "You're not human." he muttered. "Hmmm?" "You're not human." he said again, he was still gasping for air. Alice smiled and ran around the console once again. "I'll take you home, you can pack a bag. I need to visit my family quickly then we're off."

"Pack a bag? And off to where?" Troy was very confused. "Well, don't you want to travel with me? I'm at a loss for a companion right now, so you're my only option. And where to. Anytime and anywhere you want to go. Though I'm not always accurate." She flipped a switch and the "landed" with the same odd noise. "So what do you say? You want to travel with me?"

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