The Sassiest of them All

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Troy watched as the two of them began to bicker. 

"I'm the prettiest."

"Honey, don't be a fool, it's me."

"I have a bowtie, therefore I win."

"The old you rocked the bowtie better."


Alice reached for his throat, but her small size wouldn't let her. Jack chuckled as he ruffled her bright red hair. He missed the Doctor, but he would never admit that out loud. It was a big change, from seeing her go from a grown man to a young girl. She was still the same as the other ones, but more free spirited, and to his surprise, more affectionate. Never in his long time of living, would Jack see the Doctor hold hands with someone without telling them to run. 

"So, you're the new one, huh?" He smirked at the boy standing beside the fiery redhead. He nodded his head, a grin dancing on his lips. Alice placed a hand on her hip, her right hand connected to Troy's left with their fingers intertwined. "We were looking for someplace to go, have any suggestions?"

"There's this new place I found awhile back, I could give you the coordinates and show you around." Jack suggested, making his way to the control panel and typing in the numbers. Troy nodded his head excitedly along with Alice. "Hell, let's do it."

"What's it called again?"

The three of them were standing outside the TARDIS and looking at the new planet around them. It was filled with beautiful trees and flowers that pulsed with light every few seconds. The sky was a light pink like a sunset, but the day was only beginning for the planet. Creatures of a different species gazed at the new people calmly, not giving any cautions to the curious people.

"I don't know," Jack placed his hands on his hips as he answered the Doctor, "I've been here many times, search the whole planet, but I haven't found any sign of people -only animal like creatures."

 "So it's an unnamed planet?" Alice felt her lips pull into a grin. She looked over at Troy. "That gives me a fantastic idea." Tory looked over at her with a raised brow. "What's going through your head? Whenever you get an idea like the one in your head it never ends well."

"I take offense to that," Alice gently pushed Troy's chest. "I mean, since it's an unnamed planet, why don't you name it."


Jack laughed as he swung his arm around the younger boy's shoulder. "Young man, if the Doctor gives you an opportunity for something like this, never and I mean never, turn it down." Troy glanced down at his shoes, with his ears turning slight pink from embarrassment. He looked up and met gaze with Alice who was giving him a playful smile.

"O' about Wanders? You know, Jack was wandering when he found it, so to find it, you have to wander around the universe to find it..."

"Sounds perfect." Alice grinned, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers. The three of them looked out to the distance; the creatures continued their gaze at the strangers, curiosity glazed their sight, but none made a move towards them. 

"I say we explore. I would love to see more of this peculiar planet." Alice adjusted her bow and leather jacket. She smirked up at Troy and pointed to the air in front of her. "ALLONS-Y!"


And that took awhile. Sorry bout that :|
I've had a bit of trouble writing, and some stuff has been happening with my personal life so it's been a bit tough lately, but i'm trying my best since Em wanted me to finish chapter(as she knows Captain Jack is probably my favourite character :3) She's been helping me though, so you can thank her for that!!!




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