Part 7

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It's the next morning and we are all at school. I practically ran away from Drake and Josh because I was still angry at them and I didn't want anything to do with them right now. But they still managed to stay behind me. I am almost at my locker when I see her... Susan. I keep my head down and try to stay on the far side of the hallway so she doesn't notice me.

"Move freak!" She says pushing me into a set of lockers making me fall. So much for my efforts. I look back at Drake and Josh to see that they haven't even noticed me. I stand up on my own and move to my locker and open it up grabbing my books and papers that I need. I quickly slam shut it rushing off to class with the feeling I am being watched, but when looking around I see no one is even acknowledging my presents.

After class ends I walk out in the hall and feel someone grab my wrist and pull me into the what I can only assume is the bathroom. By the horrible smell I only assume it to be the men's room. I look face to face with the person who grabbed me to see Josh.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask him in a angry whisper. "Why did you bring me into the smelly men's washroom? And shouldn't you be with Susan and Drake?"

"I don't want to be around them when they are all *mwah mwah*" he starts to mimic what I guess he thinks it looks like to kiss someone.

"Okay, okay I got it" I say just wanting the horrible impression to end. "But that still doesn't explain why you pulled me in here".

"Oh yeah!" He says and then takes a deep breath. " please join our group, I really don't want to be alone with Drake and Susan and I need someone who will actually listen to me" he is down on his begging.

"If I say yes will you stop begging on your knees?" I ask him and he aggressively nods his head. Why is it I can't find it in me to say no. "Okay, fine" he wraps his arms around and squeezes my almost have to death. The bell rings for class and I got to leave but Josh grabs my arm. I look back at him.

"Really, thank you so much" he says and I just smile at him and walk away.

I feel like I am both making a big mistake but also doing this for another reason beside my brothers begging and pleading.

By Marriage Not BloodWhere stories live. Discover now