Part 4

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Mom called over a doctor that lives just down the street to come to check out Y/n. I just don't get it... Y.n was perfectly fine last night... maybe it was something that she ate. Either way, I am not leaving this hallway until I hear what's wrong. I don't know why... but I know I will feel like an ass if I leave without hearing anything. I am the only one who sits in the hallway while Mr. Nicholas gets ready for work and Josh gets ready for school... I can forgive Josh because he may not know that Y/n passed out but I know Mr. Nicholas knows and he should be standing here waiting anxiously like me. I mean mom too... this is her stepdaughter. I know for a fact Megan knows but she doesn't really care. She probably just thinks this is kinda funny. 

"Drake" Mom comes down the hallway and looks down at me as I sit on the floor. "Drake go get ready for school or you will be late" She demands me but I can't. I don't want to. Not until I hear about Y/n. 

"No, not until I hear about Y/n. I am not leaving this hallway until I hear something" That was when the door opened and out walks the doctor walked out. I quickly stand up and look him in his eyes with deep concern. "How is she?" I ask in a quick tone just wanting to find out if she is okay or not. 

"She'll be alright" I feel this sense of relief and a smile comes curling up on my face. "She just needs some rest. She may have passed out due to high stress and maybe some dehydration" I feel my heart sink. This is my fault. I caused her this stress... this fight surely didn't help her any.... damn it, Drake!

What have I done? Do I even go into see her or should I just shrug it off and wait until I get back home from school.

"Drake," The doctor says my name and I look up at him "There was one point in my examination that she said your name... maybe you should go in and see her" Oh man. If the doctor is telling me to see her and not my mom... that definitely means I should go in.... but how can I after what I did get her in this condition. 

I can't argue with the doctor or even my mom so I slowly walk into the room and see her laying on her bed... completely still. She looks like a corpsed. I walk over to her side and kneel down and grab her hand.

"I'm sorry," I say and for the first time ever... I feel my self start to cry. 



Light comes back to my vision as I slowly start to open my eyes. I slowly sit up and realize I am in my bed. I thought I was already out of bed. I remember I saw Drake... but then... it's blank. Maybe it was just a dream. I sit up and then get out of the bed and slowly walk to the door. I open the door and walk out into the living room to see Helen sitting on the couch.

"Helen," I say and she quickly turns around and looks at me.

"Y/n! Oh my gosh!" She runs up to me and looks at me into eyes "Are you alright?" I was confused and absolutely uncomfortable. "You passed out and we had to call the doctor from down the street" I feel myself get cold and a little embarrassed. I can't say anything because I don't know what to say. "The doctor said that you just need to rest and you need to eat and drink" I don't know what she wants from me. I can't say anything.

We hear the door open and I quickly turn around to see the boys walking through the door. Josh comes in first and then Drake. They both look at me and then Josh comes over and wraps me in his arms.

"I was so worried" I hear him say and feel warm inside. I look behind him to see Drake but he doesn't seem to be as happy as Josh. Before I can say anything he walks away. I just shrug it off but I know it will affect me later or maybe it won't... who am I kidding? it will. Josh and I pull away and look at one another. "How are you feeling?" Josh asks and I try to think of something that he will believe.

"I am okay" that's the best I can come up with?

"That's good" Well at least he bought it. As I look closer at him I realize that his one eye is very red. Oh no! The fight! That's why I passed out today! That's what stressed me out! I feel myself start to panic and I start to get light-headed again. I fall a little bit but thankfully Josh catches me. "What's wrong?" Josh says and I just put a fake smile on.

"Nothing, I just need to rest," I say and push myself up and walk away from Helen and Josh. I get into the hallways and see Drake. I don't know how or why but he makes me feel... not so light. If only that were the case earlier this morning. He looks at me but quickly looks away and I feel light again and feel like I am going pass out again. "Drake!" I say catching his attention. He stops in his tracks and I walk up to him. He doesn't look at me but I can tell he knows I am approaching him. I put a hand on his shoulder and come up in front of him. "What's wrong?" I ask him knowing he probably won't answer me. He stays silent but I think I might know what the problem is. "You know it isn't your fault that I passed out, right? I passed out because of the fight... I can't deal with confrontation too well... clearly" If I am wrong about this then I just made myself look stupid... but what else is new? Drake turns around and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"This whole thing is my fault. The fight. Tiffany. It's my fault." I feel awful that he thinks this. He shouldn't. We had no idea that Buck would burst in and want the fight with Josh. This isn't his fault.

"Drake, we had no idea any of this was going to happen? It's not your fault"

"Yes, it is," he slightly pushes me away and walks into his room. I suddenly feel even more light-headed. I lean up against the wall and to help me stay on my two feet. But I slowly slide down on the floor and I just curl up into a ball. I just want peace. 

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