Part 3

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I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Over and over I keep replaying the words... some sister you are... maybe I am the worst sister on the planet. I have ruined everything with both brothers and how long will it take me to lose my sister too? How long until I lose my parents?

I get up to get some water totally forgetting about Drake's date with Tiffany. She probably won't even notice me. At least I hope not. I would like to ruin things between her and Drake too. I walk down the hallway and see the two eating at the table. Both their heads are down so I make my move and run across to the kitchen door. I rush in and quietly close the door to turn around and see Josh in the kitchen leaning up against the counter. He looks up at me and almost looks relieved.

"Good. Watch the cake and make sure Megan doesn't steal it he says and walks past me and out the door... I couldn't tell if he maybe forgave me or just desperately needed me to watch the cake. Either way, I'll do as he says.

A minute or two later Drake walks in and we share a look with each other. Not a bad one but almost and apologetic one. He walks over to me and gives a grin. I grin back and step aside to let him get the cakes. As he reaches there is loud pounding sound on the door that makes both Drake and I look towards the front.

Suddenly the front door bursts open and I hear my twin brother squeal and Tiffany calls out her boyfriends name. I try to run out to save him but Drake holds me back.

"It's Buck. You go out there and he will kill you" I know he is right but Josh is out there probably scared to death.

"Yeah and he will kill Josh," I say breaking free from his grip. I run past him but he gets hold of me again and he holds me against the wall.

"Y/n, don't, please don't go out there" Drake's plead brings me confusion but it somehow also relaxes me too. My tense body slowly eases and then suddenly the front door slams shut. "Stay here. I'll send Josh back in and you can check on him" I nod my head and he grabs the two slices of cake and walks out and a few seconds later Josh comes in look white as a ghost.

I run up to him and wrap my arms around him. I feel him wrap back and then I hear him start to cry.  I pull away and look at him and he has tears streaming down his face. I didn't know what else to say in the moment so I just hugged him again. 

"I have to fight Buck" I pull away from him and look at him with the widest eyes I have ever had. I still can't say anything. I mean this not how I thought tonight would go. So I hug him again and just tell myself we'll figure it out.

I get him calmed down and then I walk out of the kitchen and into the foyer.

"What's she doing here?!" I thought by now Tiffany would be gone... but no. I look at her and just put a fake smile on my face while she has a glare. Drake stands up and walks over to me.

"This is Y/n... my..." I look at Drake as he hesitated to say the two words that will finish his sentence. "Stepsister" he almost sounds like that's not what he wanted to say... but why?

"You're related to her... I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it's like to live with a freak" I am not too mad about the insults... but tonight was not the night for it.

"Hey! Don't call her that!" Drake says and steps in front of me almost like he is protecting me.

"Whatever. I have to go. I'll see you guys at the fight on Monday" she grabs her bag and walks past us.

I look back up at Drake and notice how tense he is. Although I am very confused about why he defended me... I thank him for wrapping my arms around him. I feel him slowly bug me back and he rests his head on top of mine. We hear the door slam and then the kitchen door open.  

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