Chapter 37

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The next morning;

While the entire Hamilton family was having breakfast, Tessa, on the other hand, was cleaning Valeria's private bathroom, when she received text from Derek stating;

Found Jake. Meet me in the bedroom.

For all answer, Tessa dropped everything and hurried to Derek's room, where he was sitting down behind the laptop. The moment she sat beside him, he tilted the laptop screen towards her direction and smiled excitedly as he has found Jake Robinson's Facebook page.

Tessa [softly]: "He's married, and so is Tiana. Look."

As they scrolled through his pictures and Tiana's, Derek hugged her and kissed her cheek with tears in his eyes.

Derek [excitedly]: "We found our siblings! Hailey's going to be so happy!"

Tessa [firmly]: "They seem financially stable. That's good."

She stared at a picture of Tiana and Jake hugging an older couple and sighed before placing the laptop away.

Derek [sadly]: "I'm gonna direct message him and tell him everything."

Tessa [coldly]: "Don't mention a thing about my past, though. There's no need to bother him with this fact."

Derek [sighing]: "Sure. Whatever you like."

Tessa [while standing up]: "I gotta get back to work."

Here she headed out of the room and walked towards the staff main entrance causing Sandy to go and stand in front of her blocking her way in the process.

Sandy [firmly]: "Tessa, I was looking for you."

Tessa [sadly]: "I'm sorry I left the things in Miss Valeria's room, but I had to-"

Sandy [coldly]: "I don't want to hear your excuse. Please go get the things out of there before she sees it and chooses to fire one of us."

Tessa [sighing]: "Yes, ma'am."

As she walked past her, Sandy shook her head before heading to the dining room, where the family was having breakfast, Xander and Audrey included.

Jessica [softly]: "Xander, Audrey, you two are a member of this family now and I do hope that you will like it here. Aiden, honey, have you contacted Elton High? They can attend starting Monday and so can Tyler."

Chris [firmly]: "Aria should attend as well."

Andres [firmly]: "Of course and since her mum's too proud to ask us for help, we'll just cover everything."

Xander [hesitantly]: "Who's Aria?"

Tyler [firmly]: "She's-"

Hailey [sadly]: "She's my best friend's daughter."

Lizzy [coldly]: "Who is also-"

Aiden [sternly]: "The toilet lady."

Audrey [hesitantly]: "Euh, okay."

Chris [coldly]: "Aiden-"

Aiden [sternly]: "I don't want to hear a word about her right now! She hasn't even apologized for slapping me! What I did was for Hailey and our kids' sake."

Jessica [sighing]: "Aiden-"

She couldn't continue as Sandy entered the room and stood behind her causing Chris to roll his eyes and continue his breakfast.

Tyler [while standing up]: "I'm gonna be late for school. Aria's waiting outside."

Lizzy [firmly]: "The driver will drop you off in one of our cars, honey-"

Tyler [coldly]: "I'd rather go with Aria. See you at three."

Chris [sternly]: "Tyler-"

Tyler [while looking deep into his eyes]: "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good."

Here he rushed out of the room and headed outside to Derek's truck, where Aria was waiting.

Aria [coldly]: "We're gonna be late, come on."

Tyler [sighing]: "Sorry."

Here they got into the car causing Derek to get behind the wheel and drive them to school...

Hope you enjoyed!

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