•Chapter 7•

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Inappropriate language
Mentioning blood

"Hello" speaking
'Hello' thoughts

You are now with kakashi heading toward your clans village so that you can prepare for attempt your first Mýthos.


" sorry (y/n) I got lost on the path of life"

"..... low key same 😔✊ but like..... can we stop wasting time I got things to do"

"Right" he said pulling out the summoning scroll, handing it to me

Mentioning blood

" your going to need to write your name using your blood then put blood on all five fingers and stamp them under your name, if your blood disappeared from the scroll it means non of the mythical creatures are willing to serve you but if your blood remains then you'll find a number mentioning how many are willing to serve you, and those who want to serve you and will appear in front of you"


(Y/n) Pov

I nodded and began try to summon a mythical creature, nothing happened at first then suddenly

I nodded and began try to summon a mythical creature, nothing happened at first then suddenly

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(The scroll looks something like this)





The entire compound was covered in smoke, I look up to see so many mythical creatures, more than you can count and more than the eye can see..... and Every. Single. One was bowing down to me.

Like What. The. Actual. Fuck

Then I hear a deep voice "hello Master (y/n), it's a pleasure to finally meet you" I turn to see a fire-breathing she-monster having two head one lion the other goat with a lion body, and a serpent's tail.

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"Who are you"

"I'm Chimera" she said using all 3 heads

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