Mio vs Rias

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"I played the hand that was dealt.And then I cheat"-Riddick(Vin Diesel)

Third person p.o.v.

After the newly forged alliance with the almighty and legendary Doomslayer with the marauders they went to their private spectators area Mio bought for them and herself and peerage.After spectating a few more rounds which they hardly paid attention it was Mio's time to shine and while the preparations were coming Mike left to fetch popcorn.While Mike ordered popcorn for everyone he contacts Y/n telepathically

Mike:Hey Y/n,does anyone wants butter on their popcorn?

Y/n:No just bring them as you ordered them and hurry.The match soon starts

Mike:You got it

As Mike's order was up with melted butter on his popcorn he makes a quick fiery portal and enters it and in a flash he was with his team.He takes a seat among the couches and passing everyone's popcorn,including the Doomslayer's(right after he took off his helmet).And as finally the Maruader (in human form) and his lover got their popcorn as the Doomslayer takes the controller and turns on the TV as the accouncer announces the match between Mio and Rias

In the arena Mia and Rias with their picked sides.Rias looks at her half sister with a cocky smirk on her face while Mio looked at her half sister with anger,determination and the will not to lose to her.After the countdown started and ended Rias's peerage were the first to enter the arena.With Mio her peerage looks at her and her queen and says

Mio:Alright go,just like we planned

Her peerage nods and leave for the arena except for her queen who stayed by her side.Then she asks her friend and master

Maria:Do you think Rias knows your peerage members and plans?

Mio:Doubt it.She thinks her cannon foder will win this easily.Her arrogance is the perfect target for our arrow also known as element of surprise.For the time being let's focus on not loosing to her.Once victory is assured I'll show those wastes of breath I call family the flaws of her precious "success" of a daughter.

Maria nods in agreement as she turns her attention back to the arena.Xenovia,Kiba,Issei and Koneko approach the middle of the arena.They were met with nothing but darkness and the lights of a dungeon set as their arena.Soon after they heard footsteps and go their guard up and the ones walking reveal themselves from the darkness Mio's vangaured peerage with a normal pace and none-amuzing expression on their faces.Rias's vanguard started to introduce themselves.But before Issei could start his,A.Astoria rudely interrupts him asking all of them

A.Astoria:Do all supernaturals like you waste your breath and time by talking THIS much.If it was war you would be already dead with your heads disconnected from your shoulders.

Issei:Hey,we're trying to introduce ourselves.Would it kill you to have some patience for a moment?

A.Astoria:Why waste your breath introducing yourself while all of life and anti life know you for pile of useless trash you are?

Issei growls in anger and alter Astoria continues

A.Astoria:But then again who am I kidding? No wonder your factions and species fell so low.So,you want our names? Earn it!

With that alter Jeanne started to shout war cries swinging her flag around.With a final wave she slams her flag pole as the flag started to wave non-stop and their dark red colors started to glow brighter as they growl in rage.Rias's peerage were taken back by that action as they took a step back.Mio's vanguard eyes started to glow red and let out war howls as they drew their weapons and lunged at their enemies and started viscously attack them.Rias's vanguard were already struggling to keep up with their opponents.Lancelot goes for an attack at Kiba but the knight of Gremory manage to dodge his attack and found an opening.But before he could lay an attack he hears a thunder strike behind him,he looks back and sees a lighting bolt coming right at him.

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