Returning...And an opportunity revealing

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"Did I say I was a fucking hero,you piece of shit!"-James Heller

"Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need. Don't forget it"-Y/n The World's stongest

Third person p.o.v.

After their previous adventure the Marauders Crusaders returned back into their original world via portal which it brought them back to the portal room when they first left.One by one they stepped out scanning the room to find the way the left it.Y/n and his father Jason approached the door.With a nod they open it with their argent axes activated and boomsticks ready they take point with a slow paste aiming their boomsticks forward and their argent axes close and slowly looking everywhere.As they walked up stairs looking out for hostiles for ambush.Soon the rest followed behind having their weapons ready.Mike snaps and looks up with his fiery hands and saw nothing.They find their safehouse safe and unspoiled minus the requirement of dusting.

Jason:Looks like we're in the clear

???:Are you now?

That gained their attetion as they aimed their powers and weapons to the direction of the demonic voice.As the figure stepped out of the shadows it revealed a demon with the same simularities.Armor and weapons.But his apperance was .In fact it was simular to Y/n's father Jason.His armor was dark red,his skin colour was brown,the edge of his horns were glowing orange and the veins on his chest also glowed orange

His armor was dark red,his skin colour was brown,the edge of his horns were glowing orange and the veins on his chest also glowed orange

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Y/n:Who are you...


Marauder's(except Y/n):Father?!

Y/n:Father?! Dad explain

Jason sighs and explains

Jason:Y/n my son,this is my father Dex.Also your grandfather


Y/n:My grandfather...

Y/n said in shock still trying to proccess of what he just heard right now,while he was lost in thought his grandfather Dex wraps his son and his grandson into a big hug with his arms laughing in joy,leaving the rest of the group in complete confusion


Johnathan:Yeah I' lost as well

David:Can someone,ANYONE,explain what the hell is going on?

He said as he rubbed his head

Mike:Yeah I got nothing

And so for the time being they stayed in there safehouse as the two former night sentinels talk with the elder of the two and catching up and doing a lot of explain

Time skip brought you by Y/n and Mike joining the Doomslayer's crusade against the Helltaker

Time skip brought you by Y/n and Mike joining the Doomslayer's crusade against the Helltaker

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