The Marauder's wrath

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Third person p.o.v.

After the events from yesterday from beacon tower wich it was named "The Union academy" every student (except the stupid ones) was scared and terrified of Y/n and his new power and nature of just how he treated Trihexa like his bitch.In one of the hallways of beacon we see Ryuko Matoi Y/n's best and only trusted friend wearing her de-activated kamui uniform wich it was a sailor uniform.When the news of him died she became agrassive and angry and if anyone would get close to her he would get a beating from her until they lose all their teeth or their face turn ugly from the beating or until all body parts become purple from the beating as well.In other words Ryuko became a girl you don't want to get close to when Y/n but now that the academy know that he is still alive but as a demon everyone stayed away from her because they still didn't how would she react if they interact with her.Currently Ryuko is looking at her red gloved hand she started wondering of why she suddenly felt so powerfull.She knew she was strong but not that match until her uniform spoke

Senketsu:You noticed it too.Didn't you?


Senketsu:The power you felt when you confronted the tomato head

Ryuko:Yeah.Why did I become so strong suddenly?

Senketsu:I think I have the answer.When Y/n placed his hand on your shoulder I felt some of his power coursing through you.Looks like he gave it to you just in case you get into a fight

Ryuko:*smiles*Heh.Y/n always looked after me...Even when I didn't need his help

Senketsu:When you two met and spend time togather your heart starts to race everytime you think about him.Do you have feelings for him?

Ryuko:I do even now.I don't care that he is a demon.Human or not my heart longs for him.And I hate to admit it now I'm glad that those four spoiled whores rejected him it just made it easier for me to confess my feelings towards him

Senketsu:When are you gonna tell him?

Ryuko:I don't know...Not now that's for certain

Senketsu:Ryuko you got company


As if her instincts told her she turns her gaze to the right and sees Y/n's past rejectors team RWBY

Ruby:Hey Ryuko

Ryuko:What do you want?

Weiss:Koneko said that you went after Y/n after he left.Did you find him?

Ryuko:And what if I did?

Blake:Ryuko please help us I now you heard what we did to him but...We started to highly regreted to what we've done

Ruby:Please Ryuko every little bit help us

Ryuko:No offence but...Are you mentaly retarted?

Yang:E-Excuse you?

Ryuko:Do you really think after what you did to him will just accept your sorry and forget it? If you do then you are dead wrong.He or some people may heal their scars phisicaly but the same doesn't go for emotinal scars

Yang:Look I know we hurt him,rejected him and what's worse we stabbed him in the back.But we rerget of what we did and we want to make it up for him

Ryuko:Just shut up alright.When he was human you just spat on his face and stabbed him in the back and didn't give a shit about him.AND NOW YOU MISSED HIM now that he is demon and probably pissed your panties as soon as you saw him wipe the floor with the triple 6 monster thing.

Yang:Look I get it we messed up,we regret it alright.We didn't know what we were thinking back then but-

Ryuko:Drop the act you lying sack of shit.You knew EXACTLY what you were doing and now are just faking it

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