Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

I shook Ayley. She made the noise again.

"We're home." I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead.

"We are?"


She slowly sat up.

"My foot's asleep." She said.


"Carry me?" She batted her eyelashes and stuck her bottom lip out.


She smiled and nodded her head.

"Fine." I caved.


I got off the bed and slid one hand under her knees and the other behind her back.

"Should I pretend I'm asleep?" She whispered.

I laughed. "Do what you want."

"I'm tired and don't want to socialize."

"Then yes, pretend you're asleep." I said. "I'll bring you straight to your room."

"Kay." She laid her head against my chest and shut her eyes.

     I kicked the door signalling for someone to open it. When Alex did, I walked through sideways, careful not to hit any part of Ayley off the door frame.

"She asleep?" Alex whispered.

"No, she's dead."

I felt Ayley giggle. Alex didn't catch it.

"I'm taking her in to bed." I explained.

"N'awwe what a good boyfriend you are."

     I smiled sarcastically and walked past her to the front of the bus and again, careful not to hurt Ayley, slowly descended down the stairs into the mob of flashing cameras on Ayley's front door.

"Oh yea, I forgot about you morons." I said under my breath.

Ayley giggled again.

"Niall, is Ayley okay?" One of the morons asked me.

"Yep, she's just tired and wants to go in to bed."

"Will you be staying the night?" Another asked.


"How's your face?"


"What happened?"

"I've said before the dangers of glass pints with handles in pubs."

"You got in a fight?"

"I did? What gave you that idea?"

"How do you feel about starting your tour this week and not being able-"

I shut Ayley's front door behind me, cutting them off.

"Dandy?" Ayley mocked as we walked through the kitchen.

I laughed and walked down the hall and set her in her bed.

"You're strong." She said as she nestled herself into her bed.

I smiled. She patted the bed beside her and I got in.

"You're really warm." She said.

"You didn't even want to say hi to your dad?"

"He's probably asleep anyway."

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