Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

    Ayley stepped through the double doors. My jaw dropped. She was wearing a giant pink strapless ball gown with diamonds and sparkles all over. Her hair was pulled up to the top of her head and spiralled down to her shoulders. She had sparkly clips all over her hair and I'd never seen her blue eyes shine so bright. She wore a necklace with a diamond-studded heart and on one wrist, a few diamond-studded bangle bracelets, and on the other, a beautiful charm bracelets with sparkling charms of different shapes. Her dress flowed to the floor, covering her shoes, but her toes peeked out when she stepped forward, revealing her open-toed, sparkly silver shoes. Long, white gloves covered her hands and reached halfway between her elbow and her shoulder. She wore exactly what I imagined her in. She literally looked like an angel.

    Everyone cheered and applauded as she was escorted by Allister to the group. He led her to me and as she stood before me, I realized I was very underdressed. I couldn't find words to say, so I remained silent.

"Hi." She smiled.

    Still without a word, I put my hands on her beautifully defined hips, pulled her in and kissed her soft, warm, pink lips. She laid her gloved hands on my shoulders and closed her eyes. Everyone around us cheered and whistled. I was in love with that moment.

    When she pulled away, she looked in my eyes and without saying anything, told me she loved me. Her beautiful blue eyes met mine and flickered back and forth. I swear I saw them twinkle. I struggled to breathe properly and there's no way my heart was beating on time. She was stunning. She honestly took my breath away. She was beautiful. I could go on forever how perfect she looked. And she was all mine. I have to admit, I teared up a bit, knowing that she was carrying my baby. Knowing that she was the mother of my first child was the best feeling in the world. I knew she'd be the best mother ever. I couldn't wait until the baby got here so we could be a family.

"You look stunning." I said as I caught my breath.

"Thanks." She smiled.

    The music had started and everyone was slow dancing around the room to Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love". She had her hands on my chest and mine were around her on the small of her back. We were as close as we could get, considering the baby was between us.

"I love you." I whispered.

She giggled. "I love you."

She pecked my lips and giggled.

"You're so beautiful." I said, still in shock of how flawless she looked.

    She smiled and leaned back. I locked my fingers together so I could support her and she leaned all the way back and reached her arms out. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I slowly spun around. It was like a scene out of a movie. The lights reflected off the sparkles and rhinestones on her dress. She pulled up with a giant smile on her face and wrapped her arms around me. She rested her forehead on mine and moved her hands to the sides of my face and kissed me. Her legs were still around me and I held her up with all my might, careful not to let her slip even the slightest bit.

    For being at a club, it was the classiest party I'd ever been to. Allister had brought everyone nice, elegant clothes to wear. He brought me a 3-piece suit with a black jacket, a pink vest, a white dress shirt and a silver tie with black slacks and black shoes. He even gave me a pink pocket handkerchief. The rest of the boys wore black and white, and they didn't have vests.

    All night, we partied without alcohol. We had drinks, but they were virgin drinks. We had left Ayley out in that department enough this week, now it was time for her to be included. I didn't mind the no-alcohol rule that night. Everybody knew that I was quite the fan of a pint here and there but it was nice to just not for a night. I also wanted to be able to remember Ayley looking as beautiful as she did. That wasn't a memory I wanted to lose because of a stupid hangover.

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