Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"They're at the train station." He smirked.

I squinted my eyes and tried to understand. "What?"

He laughed. "Why are you looking at me like that."

"The train station?" I asked, my eyes still slits.

"Yes, the train station."


"Because that's where the trains are and we need to take a train."


"Oh..." He said as if he'd given me more information than he'd been instructed to give.

"Where are we going."


I squinted my eyes tighter.

"Stop trying to vaporize me!"

"Tell me where we're going and I'll stop vaporizing you."

"Don't hurt me!" He screamed. "Rape!"

I shushed him.

"Help!" He started jumping around and making a raucous in the car.

"Sam, shut up!" I laughed and tried to get him to calm down.

"Rape!" He screamed.

"Nobody's getting raped here." I waved on pedestrians who were walking by the car, peering into the windows.

Sam screamed again.

"Hey!" I yelled.

He quieted.

"Shut up!"


"Okay." I looked at him. "Are you calm?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am."


"Where are we going."

"I'm not supposed to tell you."

"No, I mean are we going to the train station too?"


"Okay, then let's go."


    We sat there in silence for about a minute and didn't move before we both burst into the loudest, most uncontrolled laughing fit I'd ever seen two people engaged in.

"Drive." I laughed.

    We pulled away from the curb and made our way to the highway that led to the train station in Oxford. When I asked Sam why we weren't going to the station in London, he told me the train ride from Oxford was shorter than the ride from London because there were less stops.

    The hour-long ride from London to Oxford was filled with laughter and story-telling. Sam told me about his sister and brothers and how he used to pit his brother and sister (who are twins) against each other and fight them like pokémon when they were younger. I laughed so hard, the baby kicked me harder than it ever had and I clutched my stomach with both hands.

"Baby kicking?" Sam asked.

"Yea." I smiled through the pain.

"Why does it hurt so much?"

"I don't know, I was definitely under the impression that when babies kick, it doesn't hurt at all. I mean, most of the time when it kicks, like it's just like a little poke but when it really kicks hard, it feels like my appendix is bursting."

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