Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

~Ayley's Point Of View~

    I remember waking up the morning after my birthday wrapped in Niall's arms. He was still sleeping. I watched him as he slept. I watched his bare chest rise and fall with every breath. I watched his eyelids flutter as if he was dreaming. I watched his fingers twitch like they did every night.

    I remembered what had happened the night before. I remembered Allister taking me out to get pampered while the others got ready for my party. I remembered arriving at the party looking like a princess and immediately seeing Niall's pants move. He was so cute. He told me every day how I was the only girl who had ever made him feel that way. It made me happy knowing that those feelings were the strongest when I was wearing a big, poofy ball gown and felt beautiful versus when I wasn't wearing anything and felt exposed.

    I looked at the clock. 7:00am. I slowly wiggled myself to the side of the bed, careful not to wake Niall, and slid myself off and landed in a pair of fluffy slippers. I laughed to myself. I knew Louis had put them there. I looked around the room and noticed two house coats hanging on a hook on the wall. I walked over and picked up the pink one and left the blue one for Niall. I wrapped myself in the soft fabric and quietly opened the door and peaked my head outside. There on the ground, rolled up in sleeping bags, fast asleep, lay Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn. As stealthy as possible, I creeped over to Zayn and put one foot at either side of him and plopped down onto his stomach.

"What the hell?!" He gasped and sat up, knocking me over.

"Morning." I laughed.

"Did you just sit on me?"

"No." I smiled a guilty smile.

"Seriously?" He laughed.

I fell back onto the floor of the club and looked up at the ceiling.

"What time is it?" Zayn asked.


He grunted and laid down beside me.

"Why did you wake me up, I was enjoying my slumber."

I laughed. "Your slumber?"

"Yes." He rolled over to face me and poked my belly.

"Hey." I smiled.

"How are you doing?" He asked as I rolled onto my side.

"I'm alright."



"Is Niall up yet?"

"No, he's still sleeping."

"Are you gonna get him up?"

"I figured I'd let him sleep."

"But you thought you'd wake me up." He smiled.

"Well yea, you don't matter." I joked.

"I'm hurt!" He pushed me and I fell back onto my back, laughing.

    I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, then I kicked Harry who was at my feet. He groaned and sat up.

"Did you just kick me?" He said in a tired, raspy morning voice.

"Zayn did it." I lied.

"No!" Zayn protested.

"Zayn!" Harry whined.

"I didn't do anything, it was her!"

Harry groaned. "What time is it?" He asked, giving up on finding out who'd kicked him.

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