Chapter 25: Getting Close

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^^^ Literally me when I see anything stupid happen


"How hard is it to find two fucking people?" Nevaeha muttered, marching through the Main Halls.

Milo shrugged, weaving out of the way of soldiers and mages.

They had felt the attack before hearing it on the news. The explosions rocked the earth, knocked paintings off the walls. And then it shocked her like lightning. It felt like nothing and everything. Like ice and darkness and bad, bad, bad things.

Over a hundred-and-fifty people died in the attack and more were injured.

Nevaeha's rage seared like hot oil. Her people gave mages a home. They offered them sanctuary and while Nevaeha knew that innocent mages had died in the attack, mages had taken advantage of their kindness as soon as they set foot on Khalier.

And now she and Milo were stuck here looking for two people who were here but never here. They had been here for three days, coming back to the Main Halls every day for news. But it was always the same.

Holland's out.

Try his office.

The half-breed? What about her?

No, haven't seen her.

"So," Nevaeha grumbled. "The person who gave that paper to you didn't say what was in it? You're not even curious to know what's inside?"

Milo shot her a hard look. "It's not my place. For all I know, reading that could mean treason for me."

They marched into another hall where heavy, wooden doors opened. Voices carried out and Nevaeha watched councilmen flood out of a room. She searched for a recognizable face and found a young man with brown hair and grassy, green eyes in dark clothing with a backpack slung over his shoulders.

She and Milo took up a spot against the wall. Nevaeha squared her shoulders, lifted her chin, and did her best to look important.

Green eyes found Milo, then her. "Lost?" he asked kindly.

"We're looking for Bram Holland," Milo said evenly.

"Oh, yeah." Easton waved them to follow him. "He just got back from a trip."

"Where did he go?" Nevaeha asked.

He shrugged and Nevaeha could have sworn his backpack moved. "Don't know. I haven't had time to talk to him yet. Why do you want to see him?"

"We have a note to deliver," Milo said.

Curiosity and wariness shined in his eyes. "From who? What's it about?"

Milo shrugged. "I don't know." They reached a door with the name Holland on a long, silver plaque that all the offices had on the wall. "I haven't read it."

Easton nodded and knocked on the door. There was a muffled "come in" before Easton entered, holding the door open for both of them.

Nevaeha eyed the man, waiting for him to leave but he only shut the door behind them. Her gaze flicked to a man with silver hair and blue eyes sitting at his desk with the Headmaster perching at the edge, his arms folded and another man with tan skin and black hair and a trimmed beard stood to the side.

"Sir," she said respectively. Milo mimicked a similar greeting.

The Headmaster straightened, his face carefully blank but his jaw was tight, his dark brows pinched slightly. She'd most likely interrupted something heavy.

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