Chapter 45:Little Creep

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Holllyyyyy shit guys, this chapter took FOREVER to do. I just had to make it perfect and I'm still not convinced it is *distant sobbing* but I like it. Also, I got Covid during all this and my brains cells reduced to one and I had really bad brain fog and couldn't concentrate. It sucked, but at least I got to stay home a week and watch Youtube lmao.

And @AlisRajput wrote to me making a really good point about Norah's age. Norah should be 22 right now and it's something I totally overlooked. I got a bit confused when I was planning/writing this book and mixed up her age, so from here on out Norah is 22 and I'll be going back into book 3 to try and correct this as best I can. Also, with what I have planned for Norah and the Hollands, nothings changed. Anyways, so sorry for this, I hope it doesn't make things too confusing for you guys and if you have questions, please feel free to reach out : ) 


Her house looked exactly the same.

Two floors high with the windows on the first floor glowing like flames in the snowy night. A pathway had been through six feet of snow so people could reach the front porch. Figures moved behind the curtains, taking on familiar shapes with familiar voices.

With her runed rings on, Norah could hear almost everything. The conversation in the other houses. The soft breath of falling snow. The dragons gathered behind her house, snorting, and huffing. Norah focused on the conversation of her family, their grim voices, and plans to stop a fallen god.

The yellow tape around her neighbor's house was gone. There had been articles circling the brutal death of the couple, but none of them ever told how the two died or who killed them.

Norah noted the boxes inside and wondered if new people were moving in or if the family from the previous tenants were being packed up.

"You hesitate." Vaella loomed behind her, her voice as rich and deep as a clear night. But there was curiosity in her words. "You were adamant on returning. Have you changed your mind?"

"No," Norah said.

Without the shield around them, protecting them from eyes and ears, the dragons might have been racing out already.

She had been thinking about this moment for months—had yearned for it. But now, staring at the house, Norah could only see the weak girl she'd once been. Relying on everyone for too much. Being a burden who stole her family's sleep and became their main source of stress. Norah had become reliant and weak and she feared that's how they would always see her.

"I'm just processing," Norah said a moment later. Black pain flowed down her thighs and curled around her biceps. Norah focused on the black razors to clear her head.

"I see," Vaella said.

A breeze blew through Norah's hair, carrying her glittering white dress with it. It was nearly summer, but still, Khalier's weathercast predicted another three feet of snow for the next three days.

"I would not recommend standing here for too long," Vaella advised. "We will need to return soon."

"Could I have some privacy when I see them?" She was polite only because Vaella could change her mind and Norah would never see her family. "Just for a few minutes. And teleport me in?"
If she walked to the front door, the lights would turn on and she'd have to knock. Her family would see her before she saw them. And if that happened, Norah didn't think she'd be able to keep herself from crying.

"I understand."

Norah turned, almost blinded by the starkness in Vaella's black armor and her snow-dusted silver hair. She cut a portal with her spear and Norah hardened the snow beneath her heels as she walked across, bracing herself for the emotions as she walked into the portal.

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