3rd person chapter!!!

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Flash drops his beaker, but then uses his superspeed to catch it and put it back on the counter. He looks confused, bewildered and terrified all at the same time. He yells, "What the fuck, Batman!!!!!" "No time to explain!",Batman yells back,"Run her to the infirmary!" Flash ran the unconscious girl bridal-style to the hospital wing with a panicked look in his eyes that made everyone jump out of the way. Seconds later Batman races through the door with the entire Justice League following close behind. The Dark Knight turns to the crowd behind and growls, "I'm only going to explain this once. This girl is from an earth where books that showcase our exploits exist, but we do not. NOW GET OUT!!!!!" Batman grimaces as everyone rushes out the door and then he turns to The Flash. "Barry" Batman asks, "I have my suspicions. Can you confirm them?" Barry swallows the burger that he was stress eating and mutters, "Yes. It was the Speed Force."


Hey guys it's your friendly neighborhood writer here. Sorry for the short chapter today. But the answer is The Speedforce given by beccaomgx so everyone give a around of appalause to her and go check out her story "So Not Cliché". Talk at ya tomorrow my readers!

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