Meet the Rouges

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Flash grins, "I know this amazing place in France we can go for lunch wanna-" "Wait," I cut him off, "You speak French?" "Of course I do," he starts with a confused look on his face, "Most of the Justice Leaguers are multi-lingual, we're kinda international heroes." "Sorry, just didn't take you for the kind to spend month's learning another language." I apologized "Oh," he said clearly deep in thought, "I haven't even shown you the best thing about Superspeed!" He took a sharp turn into the public library. "Read this." He said tossing me an autobiography on Lex Luthor. "Alexander Joesph Luthor..." I read through the small chapter book and then glanced up joking, "He was a philanthropist?"
"Not important. Check your watch." He urges. I glance down, "What! Only twenty seconds!" I say flabbergasted.

Suddenly a small gadget on his belt beeps. He takes on a more serious look uttering,"Rogues are robbing a bank in Central. Gotta run." He turns to leave. "Wait!" I stop him arguing, "Let me come with you." "Are you sure you're up to it?"He worries. "Pfft. This week alone I stopped an alien invasion, won a round against Robin and took an arrow through the shoulder. The Rogues should be no sweat." I mock his villains. He throws his hands up as if to surrender, "All right. Just don't get hurt, okay?" He makes me promise, "Okay."

We zoom into the street to find Captain Cold, Trickster, Mirror Master and Captain Boomerang terrorizing the citizens while attempting to make their escape. Captain Cold had his signature freeze gun held to a civilians head, so before he saw us coming I tazed the crap out of him. He went down like a bag of rocks and the hostage ran to the sidelines. "Well, Lady Flash doesn't play nice." Mirror Master scoffs. "Looks like I'll have to teach her a lesson!" Trickster cackles reaching for his acid snot gun. I swatted the gun out of his hands; pulling the cuffs that Flash gave me on the way here out of my jacket. Grabbing the startled prankster by his wrists and hand-cuffing him I whispered in his ear, "James... You're wearing the suit..." He glanced down, "Whoa. Looks like I am." I turn back to the two remaining villains to find that there are now at least a hundred Mirror Masters. The many voices speak as one, "Even with your speed you can't beat a hundred of me!" They all grin. "Don't have to," I affirm, "I just have to find the real you." I sped up also that his voice would slow down and waited to see if my hunch was right. He sneered slowly, "ggggoooooooooooddddd llllluuuuccccckkkk." There! One of them towards the back spoke a fraction of a second faster than the rest. I sped towards him and handcuffed the unsuspecting villain while stepping on the projecting mirror at his feet.

"Alright Captain Koala! Looks like you're last!" I joked turning around, paying more attention to my killer quip than my enemy. Flash suddenly yelled from the sidelines, "Jessie!!!" I faltered for a second wondering why he'd blow my cover so blatantly before a stabbing pain hit me in the leg. I glared down at it, as my leg throbs out of control, a motherfucking boomerang. These things are WAY sharper than they always looked in the shows. "Jessie?" Boomer questioned.

"That's Jessie Quick to you!" I spit before whipping my arms in circles creating a ferocious mini-tornado that slammed him into a wall. He crumpled to the ground and didn't move. Tearing the boomerang from my leg and pinching the deep gash together I stumble over to him and check his pulse at the neck. Good. Not dead. Soon the wound only feel sore rather than the shooting pain I had been gritting my teeth against. "Jessie Quick?" Flash questioned. "Name's Jessie and I'm Quick. Seemed right at the time." I answered with a shrug. "Aight." He shrugged back. "You think the police have it from here?" I worry. "Yeah. I've done this a hundred times. They're good."

We run back to my place and order pizza from his favorite pizzeria in town. "So," he asks between bites, "What did you do for a living before you... uh..."
"...were randomly thrown into another dimension?" I finish for him, "I did cyber forensics down at my city's precinct." "Really!!!" He shouted, nearly jumping out of his seat, "We don't have one, I bet if we got Bats to forge some paperwork you could get the job easily!" I giggled thinking about "Mr. Moral Code" being all illegal. "I've got a shift of monitor duty at the Watchtower with Batman like now, wanna come?" He offers. "Sure! How could I pass up a chance to get under the Batman's skin." I jeer.

Hey there readers!!! It's your friendly neighborhood writer here!!! I can't believe that this story has over four-hundred views!!! Let me know if you want this story to continue by voting or commenting and I will see you next week with a new chapter! Also if you like this story you might like my new fanfic that is a Young Justice and Danny Phantom crossover story.

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