Flashpoint Paradox Part Deux

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"We have to take down Reverse Flash and return to our time or this world and I are toast. Thawne is leaching on more than his fair share of the speedforce and keeping us far too slow to make it home on our own. We'll need Batsie, Supes, Flash and myself at the very least. Still, that would be cutting it close. I suppose I could cut off time by subbing in the five kids who make up Captain Marvel, on this earth and making sacrifices." I muse aloud while Flash and Bats stare at me. I break B-man's gase by condescendingly adding, "So go do that." He nods quickly and scurries off to call the boys into battle. "Jess you scare me when you go full omnipotent on me." Barry teases.

Halfway to the war-ravaged European continent, now called New Themsyrca where I knew we would find Zoom hiding we picked up Cyborg, the Shazam kids and Citizen Cold. Barry quirks up his eyebrow at Leonard Snart, but doesn't say anything so I fill him in. "Central City still needed a guardian and while you may not believe it Snart has taken up the responsibility in several different universes." "Why don't we call in Hal?" Barry questions. "He's not a Green Lantern here." I glumly mutter, "Besides, he's already dead or dying in a ripoff of 'Independence Day'." Barry's eyes water slightly, but then they burn with determination.

"Okay Bats, take us as close as you can get to Lois Lane's last field report. We're looking for Grifter and other Americans trying to take down as many on each side as possible." I check the map and I'm tasked with the horrible choice. I have Batman let Cyborg pilot the plane and I drag him and Barry out of earshot of the others.

"Okay, we are approaching the Atlantian ship containing the Doomsday device, but you should know it's not a device it's the superhero Captain Atom; He uses nuclear power. Now we could go down and rescue him, but that might jeopardize our way home. However we would be saving your world." I aim the last two statements at Barry and Thomas respectively. (I realize that if we make this move I'd be sacrificing my existance and quite possibly Barry's way back.)

Barry pauses, wrapped up in morality, but Batman answers almost instantly. "Go home." We try to argue, but he waves us off. "Your plan has more controlled variables. What if we all die raiding the ship? How many have the Atlantians taken down already?" I think it through, they took down Deathstroke and Luthor. They'd make quick work of us. "Too many" I respond.

I belatedly realize that Thomas' opinion is biased. He is choosing a world where he's son is alive even if it means the death of himself and Martha. A world where Batman doesn't have to use guns and where the Wonder Woman and Aquaman are friends instead of about to destroy the world with their blood feud fuelled war.

Still, I'm losing time and I can't count on being resurrected like the others who have and will die.
We press on towards the main warzone. I lie to the squadron, I tell them that they are to attack the leaders of both sides. As if that will stop the bloodshed. I make sure Thomas knows my ruse. Usually I'd feel bad sacrificing heroes for a distraction, but we are epically fucked and if we don't succeed they'll die anyway. We must succeed.

My powers have become dangerous. If I use them I'll risk phasing into the SpeedForce and being the first hero in speedster heaven.

Don't do anything and I'll be erased for existance, best case scenario I'll land back in my original world and Barry will stumble across the way home on his own.

So I find a middle ground, while Barry is busy chatting with Citizen Cold, I take Thomas to the side and ask, "Hey, DaddyBats. Would you mind loaning me a gun?" He grumbles something along the lines of "Is that entirely necessary?" as he hands me a standard issue glock pistol. I answer with, "I wouldn't ask unless I needed it." "No.. The damned nicknames." he tisks. "Well, you aren't Batman. Batman doesn't kill." I quip with a bit of a glare. Something I've picked up from hanging out with Bruce.

I check the safety and holster it inside my jacket beside the electric brass knuckles. Thomas' looks questioningly at my other weapon. "That is hardly lady-like." He nods at the knuckles. "Get with the times GeezerBats. It was a gift from Batsy. He once said something along the lines of 'justice is unisex'." I respond proudly. Thomas rolls his eyes with a huff at the new nickname, "By gift you mean that you borrowed it and never returned it don't you?".

"Yes! err... No. Well, he never asked for it back!" I amend with a guilty tone. Batman chuckles in a deep mirthless tone that is way too creepy, "Don't worry. I'll only ask for it back if you two get stuck here."

Doubt it.

Finally we land in war-ravaged London and it is so much worse than I thought it would be. The animated style of the movie made the viscera tolerable and I never thought before about the smell or why there weren't many civilians any where during the final battle. We find Grifter quickly and the heroes we brought leap into battle. I choke back vomit as I remember the brutal deaths I'm sending the Shazam kids and Cyborg to.

Still, Thomas and I flank Barry as we keep our eyes peeled for our true enemy. Suddenly a yellow streak appears in the distance, he stops and flicks us off before he dashes off. "Asshole." I curse. Barry snickers before he dashes off, leaving us in the dust.

I begin to lead Thomas towards the battle ground at a soft jog, mentally cursing at anything I can lay my eyes on.


Hey there readers! It's your friendly neighborhood writer back again! Prepare for the next chapter of hell. It will be up within the next week. Don't forget to like or comment! If you think something is funny, stupid or breaking Canon let me know. Adios for now, and I will see you IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!! Buh-bye!

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