Welcome to Central!

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As soon at I walk into the Watchtower, Superman makes a hurried excuse to go back to the Fortress of Solitude on clean-up duty. I smirk to Flash speeding up, "That will definitely come in handy." He grins, "True, but Bats hates it when we have "private" convos."

I finally take in my surroundings. We are in the main mission briefing area. Martian Manhunter is on monitor duty and Batman is fiddling with a small gadget in his hands. I slow down and hear Flash's words from a second ago repeated from the gadget. "That snooping genius." I think loudly enough that Manhunter's head spins around to look. I almost puke. He looks a little sad, but I'm sure he knows I'm just not used to it yet.

Batman speaks, grabbing my attention with his signature growl, "We need to get you settled in." "Yeah!", Barry adds, "You can't live on the Watchtower forever!" I must have had a questioning look on my face because Batman continued with, "We found you a place in Central City. First month's rent is paid and I'm sure Barry will keep an eye on you." He pulled a key out of his utility belt and handed it to me. The keychain has a small Robin emblem on it. I guess I must have grinned at it because Bruce commented, "A little birdy told me you'd like it." in that completely serious way of his that let me know exactly who he meant by that comment, but had Flash confused at his out of character word choice; not that he dwelled on it for long.

Flash looks positively ecstatic and does that little thing where he buzzes in place quickly. He even starts speedtalking accidentally "It's gonna be great! We'll fight crime together and help Arrow and I'll introduce you to the Rogues they'll love you and we'll go job hunting and sight-seeing and to that all-you-can-eat pizzeria on 49th that actually means all you can eat!!! This is gonna be awesome!" I giggle. It's so cute when he talks in run-on's. Batman rolls his eyes, stalking towards the door and sarcastically stating, "It appears Flash will take it from here." He nods quickly with a gleeful sound before speeding off towards the zeta tubes.

"Hey Bats?" I hold back for a moment and reach out to stop Bruce from leaving for a moment. He slides away from me like I was an attacker, but nods in my direction and gives me his undivided attention none the less. "Thank you." I cram as much sincerity and earnestness into those two words as I possibly can, because I know he won't accept much more thanks than that. I'll be sure to watch his back for him and be there when he stumbles. This just means so much to me. He shows me the scarcest of grins and replies, "You're welcome." I know he doesn't get nearly enough thanks for all the extra help he gives The Justice League, so it just felt right. I smile back and give him a little wave, before zipping off to catch up with the fastest man alive.

I found The Flash leaning lazily against the side of a zeta tube and checking his phone, but he looked up when I got closer. "Hey Jess. What's the hold up?" I wave him off, "Not much, just wanted to get in my last 'scare Superman' moment before I leave and it wears off." He snorts a laugh at that and directs me to the closes zeta tube in a very 'after you miss' manner. What a gentleman.

We got to my new apartment and it's in the nicer part of town. You know. Away from anywhere where the Rogues would hit and not where petty theft usually is, not that I couldn't take them on my own. It's a fairly compact bed, bath and a kitchen, but it's as long as you're living alone. I poke my way around the kitchen (you know how apartments can be, and I LOVE to cook) and find the pantry full of goodies, so I grab a snack for myself and Fla-, he's in civvies now I should call him Barry. Grab a snack for Barry and I, since we ran here from the zeta tube near the Flash Museum, and a pile of junk food falls out the cabinet onto me. Without really thinking about it I put it all back on the shelf with my super-speed, grabbing two packages of Oreos out of the air and sitting down.

Barry interrupts my snacking, "You didn't do that on purpose, did you?" "No.", I respond, "Does it matter?"
"Well," he starts sarcastically, "If you ever want to live in the real world with a secret identity you have to learn to hide your powers."
"Oh shit", I curse,"I didn't even think of that." "Okay", he says calmly, "Don't leave the apartment. I'm going to be right back." He pops the cap off the ring on his hand and I cover my eyes, realizing he forgot I could see. When I finally look up he's gone.

I took this as my chance to take a look around the apartment without being rude to my guest. The kitchen is totally stuffed with food. I have feeling that was Barry's doing. The bedroom is cute and modern, just my taste, with my old clothes and purse laying across the bed. Wait a second... How'd they know what I liked? It takes me a fraction of a second to deduce how. That jerk! Bruce looked through my purse!!! "Ugh. What an ass." I mentally groan. I glance up while mentally rationalizing that he had to find out if the coma girl was hostile or not when I notice a tiny dot in the corner on the otherwise pristine walls. I speed up to it and realize it's a camera. He bugged my room! Okay. Chill out, Jessie. He doesn't trust you yet, but at least he respects you. I whisper to the camera, "Sorry Batsie, no cameras in the bedroom you kinky freak." Then I crushed it like the bug that it is and started searching around for more, because if I know one thing about Batman is that he has backup plans for his backup plans. I don't particularly mind them being around the apartment, but in the bedroom and bathroom is too damn much. A girl's gotta have some privacy.

I look in the bedroom closet, assuming Bats put another bug in there, to find a bright yellow supersuit. With red accents that remind me of Kid Flash (and that it's a pity he's not a hero yet) and a short black jacket I know exactly who designed it. It had to be Flash and Black Canary. The boots remind me of Wonder Women's. In fact I think they are her's, just painted red to match the suit. I guess she wasn't as pissed as I thought she'd be about me "borrowing" them. Nice. I crushed the bug in the closet against the wall and tossed it in the wastewater basket as I heard the front door opening. I pulled Batsie's taser out of the jeans I was wearing and speed around the corner to the door without looking. Before I knew it I was on the floor in the hallway behind the intruder. I looked up to see who had just flipped me through the door and found Barry in his civvies looking extremely pissed off. I shout, "You ass! You could have announced yourself or at least knocked, before you decided to break in!"

"Chill out.", He said trying to stay calm,"One. I didn't break in. The original eight all have keys. Two. I wanted to see how you'd react. Three. When you are as fast as we are you have the time to see who your opponent is, use that next time." "Whoops" I thought as the bruise on my shoulder disappeared. "He's a lot faster than I am." He smiled slightly, "Guess where we are going." "We could go anywhere, Barry. It's not exactly easy to guess." I retorted. He ignored that and triumphantly said "We are going everywhere!" while holding up a map that pointed out stops at the grand canyon, in Tokyo and the Sahara Desert. He grinned and said "Go check your closet!" I didn't have the heart to tell him I already saw it so I pulled my best "kid-who-peaked-at-her-christmas-presents" act and squee'd at the costume. I started speedspeaking "Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. You made me a costume!!! The mask is super cute!" "Yeah", he blushed, "I got Canary to help with the design, she wanted me to tell you she calls dibs on the first sparring match with you." "Bingo" I thought, but I said "That's so cool! I can't wait!" I ran back to my room and sped into the costume, slipping the taser from Bruce into my jacket pocket and adjusting the mask.

I run back out to him and say, "Next stop: Everywhere."

Hey readers! It's your friendly neighborhood writer! I'm back online and you can expect weekly updates to this fic! Thanks for reading!

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